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Flyght Club Exclaims His Devotion Through a Tender Release Entitled, "Olivia"

From Pune, India, to Los Angeles, the producer, multi-instrumentalist, and singer-songwriter Flyght Club offers boundless desire with his recent single, "Olivia."

Constantly prioritizing heightened versatility, Flyght Club (Shauvik Sharan) makes it clear that he's more than just a one-trick pony. While his music ranges and explores various genres and elements of the past and present, Flyght Club caters his sound to different listeners and their ever-changing moods and emotions.

Getting to the goods, Flyght Club recently released the most endearing and passionate single we've heard this year, entitled "Olivia." When asked about the single, Flyght Club mentioned, "The chill Indie-Pop vibe lays the foundation for a mellow yet uplifting song that displays the intense immediate infatuation one feels when meeting a stranger and instantly establishing a connection."

Diving into the single, "Olivia," we're met with a fluid array of harmonious keys and light drum breaks. Once Flyght Club begins picking at his acoustic guitar, the instrumental atmosphere swiftly sets into this powerfully emotional and intriguing space. Not to mention the addition of a bright electric guitar, Flyght Club has genuinely managed to exclaim his desirous emotions through each instrumental.

Moving through the hook, Flyght Club continues pouring his endearing and infatuated lyricism over the track while mixing his vocals to offer this high-pitched and soothing falsetto. What we adore about this track is Flyght Club's ability to convey the heat of the moment through his electronic elements, while the natural instrumentation continues to represent the overwhelming emotions of falling for someone without a doubt in mind.

Find Flyght Club's latest single, "Olivia," on all digital streaming platforms, and get to know the versatile creative as he continues to up the bar for independent acts everywhere.



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