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"Free J Slida" Appears With Their Recent EP Release "Two Five Babies"

Music group 25 Hunnit comes from Miami, FL, and is trying to create new and contemporary soundings in the rap game today. With a real vigor and drive to create quality rap music, 25 Hunnit collectively has a worth ethic that is unmatched. Their EP, "Two Five Babies" was their most recent production release, which features a quality range of what the group is capable of recording. The first track that starts off their EP, "Free J Slida" is what opens listeners up to their sound, which is a very fitting track to accurately display the group's intentions within the predominant rap scene today.

25 Hunnit is showcasing its robust and booming sound with "Free J Slida". The track holds constant energy, and never lacks with its electric vibrancy. 25 Hunnit creates the perfect hyped rap track with "Free J Slida". It holds together all of the necessary components you can expect in a modern-day rap production but tied into the elements that make 25 Hunnit unique from other rappers in the music game. There are some parts of the track where 25 Hunnit is trying to really pack in a more eclectic vocal outflow, which is picked up and received by us as listeners. It adds in more of a varying sound to their music, which is what ultimately texturizes their flow. All in all, we found "Free J Slida" to hold that energetic wave that boosted us up for its entire duration. 25 Hunnit's "Free J Slida" was such an appropriate track to start off the EP, and we're going to be on the lookout for how the group will display their artistic potential next.

Give a listen to "Free J Slida" here.


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