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"Gas Me Up," Has Fans of Logikall Adding Fuel to the Fire

23-year-old Logikall hails from Atlanta, GA as an artist under the upcoming label, COG (Changing of the Game Entertainment). Music has always been a major part of Logikall’s life. Since the age of 13, he remembers his desire to pursue a career in music due to it being his mental escape from any trials and tribulations faced. With the passion within himself to perfect his artistry, Logikall currently has two singles out to the public. ‘Prodigy,’ and the most recent release “Gas Me Up,” which enlists the skill set of Gift God.

Honing into rhythmic instrumentation that brings forth warmth through the guitar riffs performed, “Gas Me Up,” sends waves of emotion through our speakers as we immerse ourselves in all of its glory. The inviting energy that is captured through the portrayal of perfectly balanced instrumentation blends luminously with the sensual croons of Logikall.

Colliding with the musical components, Logikall executes slick cadences in his melodic style of rapping. Alluring with his ability to tell an in-depth tale through his lyrical dexterity, Logikall serenades us in the mid-tempo buoyancy propelled through the emotion-fueled layers of this track. Symphonically rapping in themes of a braggadocious series of witty quips, the spectrum that “Gas Me Up,” falls under is an extensive one that plays into the authentic persona of Logikall.

Allowing his audience to be a witness to the vulnerability and musical talents he embodies as they mesh together to convey sonic goodness, we enthusiastically anticipate the journey to come forth in the melodic creations Logikall seamlessly professes.

Congratulations on the release of your second single “Gas Me Up.” We love the vibes that you deliver through the course of this song. What was it like working with Gift God in order to fulfill the sonic destination of this track?

Gift God is a very talented artist who’s forever family to me and she’s one of the reasons I’m doing music to this day. Making this song was definitely not easy because music is a challenging craft so it’s not something you can just wake up and do. It took days and nights writing ideas and learning different ways to better myself as an artist.

In your own words, what does “Gas Me Up” mean to you? Where did you seek inspiration from when bringing this song to life?

The song itself is about learning how to live life with your significant other without having so much negativity around you. Anyone can be happy but love is different and can bring out the best parts of a relationship. My girlfriend actually inspired me to write this song because she taught me that every bad thing that has happened in my life can motivate me to build something better with someone who shares the same energy as me.

Could you please share a glimpse of what the creative and recording process entailed for “Gas Me Up?"

The process actually wasn’t long at all. The engineer who recorded the song goes by “Mauhkus” and is a talented dude. Gift God actually introduced me to him the same day we recorded the song and bro was very cool. The beat itself is made by a producer named “ThaiBeats” and he’s pretty solid when it comes to making any type of chill vibes type of beats. I already had my verse written the day before and Gift’s was written right on the spot. That’s how serious we take our work.

We were thrilled to hear that you have an EP set to be released later this year! What can listeners expect from your forthcoming project, ‘Love or Hate?'

“Love or Hate” is inspired by an upcoming album called “Toxic” that I’m featured on from a group named “DOV3”. The artist for that group is also the founder of an upcoming label that I’m with named “COG Ent” (Changing of The Game Entertainment). The EP will take everyone on a journey of really telling a story about me enjoying what I have now before it’s too late. We don’t know whether we are gonna wake up today, tomorrow, or the next day. I didn’t grow up in the suburbs and I didn’t have the life people thought I had. This EP will really challenge the love or hate that channels through everything I’ve either been through already or is currently going through now. People can definitely expect good vibes otw.

What's next for you?

As of right now, I’m focusing more on trying to better myself as an artist and musician. I’m in college right now so balancing work, school, and music is pretty difficult but hard work pays off no matter what the situation is.

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