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Geno Pacino Talks to Us From the Heart Through His Music

There are some artists that, when you listen to their music for the first time you can't help but wonder what their background is. Are they a poet? Classic songwriter? Geno Pacino hits both of these points in every one of his releases. Taking in inspiration from personal stories allows him to craft unique experiences in each of his songs that truly come from his heart and speak directly to ours. This true in his releases "Rudy Ray" and "Bitcoin" Geno talks about all of the fake people he has encountered in life and how lying won't get them out of their situation. It's these scenarios that Geno shed's light on within his songs, and it teaches us all a lesson to become a better person.

Within the music that Geno creates, he puts a very organic, almost flowing vibe to it where it feels like a record being played live by a DJ, a lot of powerful effects and transitions get used. It rains positivity and becoming honest whenever you listen to Geno's music, listening to the beat and letting it decide the artistic direction to go in allows for Geno to channel in his inner emotions and let it out with awe-inspiring verses. We don't know what's next to come from Geno, but whatever it is, we can't wait to hear it.

You can discover Geno Pacino's music here.

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