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Get Hooked On rIVerse’s “Rock Wit U”

Diverse and powerful group rIVerse are from Toronto, Canada. The four members fuse their individuality together to form a fun pop and R&B sound. Catchy songs, harmonically-rich vocals and high energy performances give rIVerse a level up on today’s music scene. The members of rIVerse, who include different backgrounds, races, genders, sexual orientation and body types, are large advocates of self-acceptance. A group that is familiar with delivering flawless live performances, they began touring in 2012 and since then have performed all over Canada, US, and even did a tour in South Korea in 2018.

Their positive vibe and infectious beat are evident in their hit single, “Rock Wit U”.  The group’s chemistry is so strong it comes through my speakers. When I hear this song I can picture a fun and eclectic group of friends and it makes me want to party to this track all summer long. “Rock Wit U” has an old school back-beat with modern and brilliant lyrics. My favorite part is the verse that begins with “Island girl, Trinidad” that's when a female member of the group really delivers the solidifying R&B piece to the overall fresh and funky “Rock Wit U”. rIVerse has fans all over the world with over 100K Youtube subscribers and growing! It’s not difficult to see why. With so much success already, stay on look out for what rIVerse will brings us next.

Add some fresh vibes to your Spotify playlist by adding "Rock Wit U" and scroll below for the groups personalized interview with BuzzMusic!


Can you introduce the members of the group?

Hi! We are Dizz, Khadija, Zak & Monroe and we make up the pop/R&B group, rIVerse.

How did you all meet and get started with rIVerse?

We all met in 2008 when we were all members of the cast for a stage adaptation of High School Musical 2 here in Toronto. We have all been friends for over 10 years. Dizz has had the vision to create a group like this since he was 14-years-old, so over the next few years, he spoke with and worked with each member on various projects until we settled on this current lineup and rIVerse was born! We've been creating music together ever since.

What country do you hope you can tour someday?

rIVerse is ready to share our music and our message with the world! If the phone rang right now with an opportunity to travel to different cities and countries all across the globe and connect with new audiences, we would be ready to hop on a plane tonight!

What personal experiences drove you to create such a meaningful message behind the self-accepting nature of rIVerse?

We have always heard that the magic of rIVerse is in the four of us together, and seeing how our individual talents work together. Pretty early on, we realized that was something to highlight in our brand. But, several years ago, rIVerse actually split up and stopped making music together for about one year. At that time, we were receiving a lot of pressure from management and other outside forces that really fed into the fears and insecurities society feeds us about being "good enough." Our mandate was sharing a message of self-acceptance, but we were being told that the music industry and the world in general would not accept a diverse group like ours. We really had to take time to re-evaluate, focus on loving ourselves, and re-establishing the bond between the four of us to be ready to face the world again, as a united front. That is why we changed our name to rIVerse, spelled with a capital IV which is the roman numeral for 4 -- this group is four members who each offer something unique and powerful, exactly as we are, and it's through uplifting and supporting one another that we show the world that our diversity is our strength.


Stay up to date with rIVerse through the groups social media:

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