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Get Lost In The Musical Arrangements Of Quinini In “Komana”

Quinini is an electronic live act duo from Bogotá, Colombia. Formed in 2013 by Sebastián Torres and Pablo Guchuvo. Their debut single titled “Indeepgena”, released in 2015. Quinini specializes on playing live with analog gear without a computer. They build their own modular synthesizers designed to suite their performance and music production needs. Quinini sound fuses old-school drum machines inspired by early rave era and spacious synth melodies inspired by the sounds of the Andes mountains. In 2019 Quinini started producing the single “Komana”, this was produced using a Korg Electribe EMX and our nearly built 'Belcebú' modular system.

Quinini stuns with their finely-calibrated sound. “Komana” is a beautiful and hypnotizing composition, the intoxicating instrumentals are stunning. The dark, heavy background gives the track a primal feel while the winding roads of synths fused together a deep house/trance feeling. As if I’m partying with friends on a boat “Komana” makes you feel every beat. The track features echoing musical arrangements of descending electronic sound. Quinini awakens the soul and transports the listener to an ambient place. Fresh and vivid “Komana” keeps you entranced throughout. Quinini will have you up and moving! “Komana” provides consistent bass and high-hat synths that you can’t help but dance to. “Komana” feels like I’m coming down off of a roller coaster of highs and lows. It’s heavily layered with contagious drum and bass sounds. Quinini effortlessly boasts their music production skill set and talented ear for invigorating sounds.


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