The Bay Area-based rhyme and rhythm slinger of a hip-hop artist J. Morgan is here making waves with the use of his colorful lyrics, master-crafted attention to detail in his production and consumption of rhymes that can get any word stuck in your head. Combined with the cinematography in his cinematic videos, J. Morgan is not someone to overlook. This is true in his newest release, “What They Want?”
“What They Want” is one of those tunes that fuse in styles for a wide range of styles; this creates a unique experience where from the first sound we hear, we are instantly intrigued. Opening up with a vocoder vocal line that is reminiscent of classic Daft Punk, “What They Want?” transitions into a darker undertone where J. Morgan tells us about the confusion in life when you are always given mixed signals. Combining the attitude of his voice with a deep rumbling hip-hop drum kit and a splash of moody pads, J. Morgan creates an almost under-worldly experience that we cannot help but get lost into. J. Morgan’s vocals perfectly shine on top here; his signature vocal production accentuates his lyrics to create a 3D like texture that pulls us inside of J. Morgan’s head. Since listening to this, we can’t help but feel excited to hear what else is coming next from J. Morgan.
You can listen to "What They Want?" here.