Taking the best of his roots from the Mid West and the west coast, NotoriousTuh takes us on his Hip-hop “Soul Train” with a provoking flow and a track out of this world.
NotoriousTuh has always lived between two worlds, one is in St. Luis on the Mid West, and the other is in Los Angeles on the West Coast. This has taken him to have his heart in two different places, but this has motivated him to create a world of music of his own where he has the best of both cultures.
“Soul train” is a reminder of the great musical tv show of our childhood, but it is especially a new point in the path of NotoriousTuh’s music where an awesome track meets his vocals skills in a work that makes you bang your head in every beat.
The track is a trip with a melody that starts high and then lowers and fades, like taking your soul to a quiet place far away. Then comes the bass that injects energy into the track, followed by the hi-hats that complete the circle of an outstanding sound. In a few seconds, NotoriusTuh’s voice enters, pumping lyrics with such a flow that you feel like you are in an actual train of Hip-hop.
Every second of “Soul train” is charged with energy that can uplift your spirit any time you listen to it. You can tell there is something new about NotoriousTuh's work, and you don’t want to miss it.
Get on the “Soul train” and ride down the tracks of the next-gen sound of hip-hop.
Welcome to BuzzMusic NotoriousTuh, and congratulations on your latest release, "Soul Train." What was your greatest motivation when making “Soul train?” LA, in general. The environment of the inner city we grow up in oftentimes gets labeled as party music, not as celebration music. Still, when it comes to the LAND, spectators love to undervalue our art, forgetting the origins of Hip Hop. Life is real out here. A rollie in the wrong hood could be the end of life, unfortunately, so we make sure to find ways to celebrate life, and that’s what this was, a celebration of life and how far the guys and I came. How did you come up with the idea of “Soul train?” It was created during a time I was doing a lot of traveling. I did a lot of courting by labels, which had me in different cities for the majority of the Summer of 2021. Causing me to be a little homesick. Being in different cities, the radio stations are exact opposites. Although the music they played is lit, I ain’t hear “Breezy and Slime - Go Crazy,” and that’s my shit. So I had to make a slapper when I touched down in SC. Birthing Soul Train. What do you do to train your notorious vocal abilities? Tea, weed, and rest, Lol. My voice is particularly unique because of its timbre, so being cautious of straining it, not yelling, and a lot of tea. I also have a vocal coach I’m preparing to begin working with. Advancing my vocal range, breathing, and depth is something I feel really strongly about improving.
How do you expect your music to influence the Hip-hop scene? I’m hoping people are influenced to make music THEY enjoy. It’s easy to get consumed in making music that MIGHT go viral on Tik Tok or Instagram, but is it enjoyable? Can you listen to it during your commute, can you listen at the gym, or even just when you're having a shitty day. Can you connect to it on a deeper level, both as a listener and artist? I want my music to influence owning who you are and relishing in the benefits and richness that come with that. Flaws and all. What's next for you? I just released my debut EP, “BA$TVRD." An amazing piece of work, which is the first installment of a dual set. BA$TVRD has something on it for everyone, which focuses on displaying my diversity and vocal ability, particularly in the RNB spectrum of Hip-Hop. It was important for me to show the complexities of who BigTuh is as an artist and my ability to genre bend.