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Getting to Know Cloudistrict

Hey Cloudistrict, it’s such a pleasure to be featuring your music to our BuzzMusic community! How did you get originally started in the music industry? Was there a specific event/person in your life that made you get into music/ start recording your material?

Cloudistrict was formed in 2013 by 3 friends that have a deep passion for music. Each member began their musical obsession at young ages through playing instruments, writing music or freestyling. It was this early exposure that drove the three of them to the realization that this was the only path they wanted in life.

We immediately found that "Feel Alright" captured an alluring melody with hypnotizing vocals! It's what caught, and ultimately kept our attention! What was the overall mood you wanted to set for listeners in this particular track?

When we were recording Feel Alright, the beat set the vibe. When Akill first hit play the mood was energized, we wanted listeners to feel like they were on top of the world when they were listening.

How did the songwriting and recording process execute for "Feel Alright"? Did you fall into any creative slumps while initially writing the track, or does the curation process flow naturally for Cloudistrict?

Once we heard the beat, Billie G immediately hit the booth and started freestyling. Within the first couple takes we had the chorus and everything came together quickly after that. Billie G laid down his verse in another freestyle while Lusensei wrote him and the track was completed within a few hours. When the vibe is there, the music flows naturally for us and that's where we know we have something special.

The music video for your new single "Feel Alright" was really raw and unique. What was the overall concept you wanted to achieve? 

We originally had a very basic concept for the video. A lot of cuts, great editing and girls. The videographer, Nunziata, had something entirely different in mind. He wanted to break the traditional mold and give you something you would remember. The video concept felt dream-like. It meshed with the hazy, lo-fi vibe of the song perfectly.

Thanks for sharing your recent music here on BuzzMusic! A pleasure to have you here Cloudistrict! Any parting words for the BuzzMusic readers?

Your dream only dies when you say so. Let fear keep you hungry.


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