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Gotti Mirano Teams Up With SosMula In Hard-Hitting Anthem “Slumped”

Slumped” is another hip-hop smash from Gotti Mirano, fusing high energy, multi-layered beats, with a heavy bass-line and a quickly confident, easy-going subject matter and performance. It’s is an easy anthem for contemporary hip hop fans. Gotti Mirano and SosMula drive with a simple lust for life including catchy hooks, laid-back concepts, professionalism, and style. This release is far from the exception and offers yet another track that further cements Gotti’s sound and approach as an artist. The lyrics are raw and Gotti Mirano and SosMula truly layout their individual journeys and experiences. “Slumped” not only showcases Gotti Mirano’s skill as a rapper and lyricist, but he gives us a high energy and catchy delivery to each hook that will have any listener shouting along with him. The multi-talented artist shows his versatility through this release. “Slumped” is a song that connects a little more strongly with every few moments that pass by, and with each new revisit. That intensity and swagger drive things along in an appealing way, reminding you there’s a musical connection at the heart of Gotti Mirano’s work and his reasons for making pure bangers. Gotti Mirano is currently working on his much-anticipated EP “137”, stay tuned! 

Listen to “Slumped” here and read more with Gotti Mirano below! 

You have a really versatile and unique style, how long have you been making music? 

It’s been about 4-5 years. It’s really hard to say what genre or sub genre of hip-hop I make, because I have so many different styles. I can make something where I’m screaming and being super hype, and then all of the sudden I can make something for the ladies. I guess the inner kid in me was the kid that wanted to shop at hot topic while listening to Drake, if that makes sense lol.

What can you tell us about your new project “137”?  

Well, this EP I get pretty personal and I talk about some of the issues that I face in my day-to-day life. I’m really excited I actually got to work with baby goth in the studio and we made a song together and I honestly feel like this song couldn’t have been more personal. I was really sad when I wrote this song that she’s featured on, I was crying on the inside when I wrote it lol.

What do you hope your listeners take away from your music?

I hope that my listeners see that heartbreak/depression/substance abuse, is very common and they are not alone. I want to be the voice for those who don’t get heard. 

What is it about making music that draws such passion from? 

For me, music draws out an unexplainable feeling of joy and accomplishment that I don’t get from anything or anyone.

What’s next for Gotti Mirano?

My next EP ,137, is gonna be produced by ear drummers, I am very excited to see what comes of that. I got features from Baby Goth, Emotional Xan, and Lil Keyu. The EP has a very different feel, it’s pretty dark, but I know my fans will love it. It has some sad songs it, and it also has mad songs lol. 


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