When you see the name and face of Golden Gho5t, you are witnessing the epiphany of a young man who was once at the lowest point mentally. Not due to depression or being poor or having nothing, but because this young man was living a lifestyle that ultimately made him unhappy. He realized this at the age of and chose to start researching and finding his own conclusions to questions he has had and rediscovered his passion for music. Golden Gho5t makes music with insightful messages and positive energy with the hope that his fans can learn from him. He aims to inspire his listeners so they don’t make the same mistakes he did.

“All Gold” is a well-produced and versatile track from Golden Gho5t. He impresses in an instant with this single. “All Gold” pours through with an immediate sense of intention, calm and collected yet lyrically smart verses. From the offset, Golden Gho5t’s bars, rhymes, and ideas feel genuinely fresh and intensely purposeful. The backdrop is somewhat simple, a partly classic hip hop vibe emerges with a haunting riff that rolls along throughout. The beat feels more contemporary with a lightness that suits the modern approach of the lyrics. It’s a fairly minimalist set-up because all that’s needed is a touch of rhythm and a vibe, Golden Gho5t’s performance does the rest.
Check out “All Gold” here and read more with Golden Gho5t below!
Welcome to BuzzMusic Golden Gho5t! Can you tell us about your upbringing and how you got started making music?
- Thank you for having me! I grew up with pretty normal circumstances for a child. Have a good family that raised me right and molded me into a young man with great character and passion. This said passion however wasn't realized until recently however. That's because I never knew what I wanted out of my life until I started taking music seriously. And I didn't want to believe working 9 to 5 all my life is the "dream" that I want to live. I always had some interest in music. I played percussion in my middle school concert band, played full set drums at my church when I was younger and tried my hand at hip hop during summers on and off. It was only until about 2 years ago where I started to really take notice about how much of an impact music has on my life and a year ago I decided to take action on that passion and make it something I can make a career out of.
What’s the meaning behind the lyrics in “All Gold”?
- All Gold is full of punchlines and entendres all over the track. But the overall meaning behind all of them was basically to give the listeners the "I'm the man" vibe to it. People who listen and feel the lyrics or try to put themselves in the perspective as the guy behind the mic gets the feeling of I'm that guy. That is almost a good premise for all of my music; To spark some emotion by putting themselves in my point of view.
Where is the best setting to listen to your songs, and what do you hope people take away from them?
- As I said before my main goal behind my music is to spark emotion from the listeners putting themselves in my position when I'm behind the mic. The specific emotion for all Gold that I hope to spark is confidence. As far as the best place to listen to them I believe would be in the car, a party or anywhere with speakers where you can hear all of the sound.
What are your main aspirations as an artist going forward?
- My aspirations are still rooted from when I first started to take this music seriously. There are many artists that have made music just for the sake of helping their fans feel something positive. And that's what I'm going to continue to do. Give people something different to feel besides always having money or needing to take someone's life or heartbreak like you hear of so much in media. I want people to feel and grow with me and have the empowerment to think for themselves and have insight. And as I further my career that's what I intend to do.
Can you tell us about some of your upcoming events and tour dates?
- As of now I don't have a tour set up because I am still underground and one thing that I need in order to grow in the music business is finance which is hard to come by for me since I'm just starting out. However I did do a show on August 29th of this year for my first performance and I plan to do more down the line. I encourage anyone who wants to be updated on when I do another show to follow me on Instagram or Facebook. I am always trying to keep people updated and I always try to answer questions that people ask in the dms.
Keep up with Golden Gho5t!