Welcome, Three Sides! We know you have a new song out "She Don't Mean To" Tell us all about it!
“She Don’t Mean To” is basically about a succubus. She’s so cool, so groovy, but she’s out to fool you. The closer you get to her, the deeper she digs your grave.
We are loving the new music! Did you write the song as a band, or can you share more of how the song came about?
We wrote this one as a group probably about two years ago. We didn’t want to overcomplicate it. At the time we were really into The Doors and how interesting songs like “The End” and “Riders On the Storm” were written. Very droning, very hypnotic. We started jamming to some cool chords and decided to just keep it simple. Let the lyrics, rhythm, and melody become so familiar that you fall into that “succubus” song spell. Eventually, we got in the studio with Christian Lum (producer) and collaborated on some of the most important melodies of this track. It’s all come together really nicely.
How did you land on the name Three Sides for the group?
We like the open interpretation of the name. We want the listener to interpret their own meaning. The most common one is “three sides to a story” which we like a lot. To make it more confusing, there are five band members.
What other musicians inspire you the most? Do those influences play a role in your sound as a band?
We’re really influenced by bands like Pink Floyd, The Doors, Caravan, and Santana. We also find a lot of influence on hip-hop and funk music. This melting pot of influences gives us a lot of ingredients to add while we’re writing or just jamming.
What is the ultimate goal you would like to achieve in your musical career? Is this being worked on or put into place currently?
Our ultimate goal is to continue to write great music and host memorable concerts for our fans. We have and always will keep the music and good times rolling.
What's next for you?
We’re planning on releasing another song in the next few months which will be our 3rd release this year.
Listen to "She Don't Mean To" here.