Calm, relaxing sounds envelop your speakers as "Empty Spaces" enters the soundscape. Joshua Pascua delivers smooth, even-toned vocals that complement this chill vibe track. Joshua Pascua is a singer/songwriter, musician, multi-instrumentalist from Ontario, Canada. He focusses his sound around Pop, soul, and funk qualities. He pays close attention to detail on the lyrics he sets his songs to, aiming to inspire and invigorate listeners.
"Empty Spaces," has a hip guitar riff that becomes a signature sound on the track, and the blues-infused signature notes create an atmosphere of serenity. Joshua's voice is soulful, caring, and carries an almost R&B feel to it. Alongside the weeping guitar, there is a complementary chyme of sound that aids in the relaxing soundscape Joshua has created. "Empty Spaces" speaks about a love that transcends space, a love that makes one another feel like the only ones together in a room full of people. That familiar person that no matter where you go provides the comforts of home. The calm auroras of this track create a reoccurring feeling of peace in addition to its stylized, groovy production values. "Empty Spaces" is a smooth listening tune everyone can enjoy. Do not pass over this one. Listen to "Empty Spaces" here.

Hello Josh, and welcome to BuzzMusic. We dug your latest release "Empty Spaces." Can you tell our listeners a bit more about the meaning behind the track? For the meaning behind the track, this song is about isolation and how being alone isn't always a bad thing. It's good to allow yourself to be alone, to better understand who you are, what you want, what makes you happy, what makes you sad, etc How long have you been making music? What has enabled you to create such original creations? I've been making music for about 7-8 years now, my musical style has evolved since I started back in grade 9. When creating my own music, I usually just try to make songs that sound good to me. As vague as that sounds, at the end of the day, if you like the music you make, so will your listeners. "Empty Spaces" offers a chill vibe on its overall sound. What did you want listeners to experience while listing to your latest release? I want the listeners to feel a sense of relaxation and calmness when listening to Empty Spaces. the hook is a simple guitar motif that just repeats, giving the listeners something memorable to hum or sing along to. What does the creative process look like for you? Are you part of any local communities of other artists that have shaped your sound?
When first writing music, I make sure to have a topic in mind to write about. I always start by creating chords to build a nice foundation for the song. Once I have a chord progression I like, I start thinking of some melodies that work with the chords. Once I have a progression and melody I start building from that point and adding more instruments and thinking of lyrics and melodies.
If we take Empty Spaces, for example, I wrote that song in an empty room with just my guitar. I found chords I enjoyed and started to think about my surrounding, being in an empty room and thinking about how it makes me feel, and wrote lyrics on how I was feeling in that room.
What can we expect to see from you throughout 2020?
I've got a lot more music content ready to be released, planning on dropping a new single soon. You can always check out my Youtube channel for new song covers. 2020 has been a rough start but it's the beginning of my musical journey and I'm not letting anything stop me from achieving my goals.