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Julianna Jones Remind Us to Not Play With Fire Even Though We, "Can't Help It"

Born and raised in Brampton, Ontario, Canadian singer-songwriter Julianna Jones has been crafting her sound for over 17 years. Drawing from influences like Ariana Grande, Julia Michaels, Larkin Poe & Summer Walker, Julianna Jones favors a pop and R&B sound trickled with a rock ’n roll undertone.

The emerging musician writes from her personal experiences in life and love, using these intimate stories to carve out her own unique space in the pop community.

In an atmospheric realm that hones in on a vulnerable narrative, “Can’t Help It,” is the latest single to come from Julianna Jones’ music catalog. Playing upon the dark sequence of notes that strike the tantalizing instrumentation with hues of allure, we’re greeted by the euphonious vocal performance that is propelled through Julianna Jones’ empower timbres.

Collaborating with Garrett LaJoie on the intricately crafted songwriting that is heard throughout the composition of “Can’t Help It,” the dynamic duo reflects upon two sides of the same story as they fuse the elements together in this compelling masterpiece warning listeners of the danger of playing with fire in a toxic relationship. The slow-paced connotation of the verses leave you hanging onto each word gloriously performed by Julianna Jones as she lures us into a web of relevancy that stems from the subject matter addressed in “Can’t Help It.”

Through her extensive vocal range, and her ability to make us feel each lyrical motif driven in this sonic voyage, Julianna Jones has placed herself leaps and bounds above the rest as she digs into the exposed storyline and puts her own emotions on blast. Working diligently to break through newfound dimensions for independent female artists, we see why she is garnering the well-deserved attention that she continues to rake in.

Welcome back to BuzzMusic, Julianna Jones. First off, a big congratulations on the release of “Can’t Help It.” We love the theme that you address and the approach you took doing it! What was it like working with Garrett LaJoie in order to expand on this vision? Thanks so much! I'm happy that the song has resonated with you! Working with Garrett was super easy as we've been friends for quite a while now! We originally wrote "Can't Help It" in September of 2019 so it's been a long time coming! The night before our co-write, I actually had read a poem that resonated with me and a certain situation I was going through, and I was like "we have to write about this!”. I was going through a similar toxic situation at the time so the co-write was super easy as the lyrics flew out of me. I went in with that concept and told Garrett of the situation and we took two different versions of the same idea and meshed them together! How long did it take you two to write the lyrics, and bring this song to life? Could you compare the process to your debut release? We sat in on our co-write for a couple of hours and came up with the majority of the song concept in that one sitting but we then, later on, came back to it to polish the lyrics and make the final. Since this song was supposed to be my first release back since my debut single, "Stranger" which I released in early 2019, I had many ideas on how I would bring this song to life. Unfortunately in some crappy circumstances, some things don’t always go to plan and we had to sit on this song for a while. Without going into too much detail, I waited for months and months and months with no firm ground to sit on, and then COVID happened. I was then forced to wait longer as we adapted to the online lifestyle. Once things officially fell through, I took the song back to Garrett and we finished the song on our own. Now I finally have the chance to showcase it in the way I want too and I don’t have to wait any longer as it's already released and out for the world to enjoy!

Still being fairly fresh to releasing original creations of your own, how have you found yourself growing from your previous release to now? I find myself growing in the best way possible. From all the experiences I’ve gone through thus far, it takes my songwriting to a whole other level as I’m able to write and relate to everyone around me in one way or another. Being an independent artist, I get to make the decisions and see through previous mistakes in the different elements I used and created, whether in marketing or others to see how I can improve for my future releases. I have finally adapted and created a sound I resonate with and enjoy listening to for myself, and others have told me they feel the same when they listen to the melody and lyrics. What is the main message that you hope to send to your audience through this release? What I hope my listeners can take away from this song is realizing the red flags in similar situations and get out as soon as possible. I also hope that my listeners can take away what they want from the song in their own way and develop a sense of certainty in their decisions going forward. Don’t settle because you love them but to finally know your worth, especially as a woman. When you know deep down and have that gut feeling that they're playing you, don't stick around for that 1% of them making you happy and then still feel like shit the other 99.9% of the time. You act like you don't know the truth, but you know you love them, even if it's unhealthy. It takes great strength to leave, but it will be 1000% better for you in the long run. I don't wish what I went through upon anyone, but if I didn't go through it, “Can't Help It” would've never happened, so I'm kinda grateful for the unfortunate event.


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