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Kersty Ryan Explores Intimate Themes In, "Outgrown"

Kersty Ryan is the Austin-based singer-songwriter that broke into the industry last year with her debut single, ‘Anybody Else.’ Driven towards a career in music early on in life, Kersty Ryan has been taking control of the stage since elementary school and planting herself with roots in Pop and R&B.

Kersty Ryan has honed in on her own sound as an artist as she continues to craft vulnerable and honest lyrics, pairing them with a gritty vocal tone and a wide range.

As we center our attention to Kersty Ryan’s single, “Outgrown,” we are exposed to a striking ambiance that dips our toes into a slow-tempo ballad. The piano-driven instrumentation effortlessly carries Kersty Ryan’s vocals as she casts them onto an emotion-filled canvas for all to hear.

Tapping into her most authentic self, we feast upon the raw lyrical content that Kersty Ryan so graciously offers up for listeners to relate to on a more intimate level. You can hear the honesty peak out of her vocal tone as she delicately plays upon the words that she places trust in.

In an ethereal atmosphere that lingers on our minds, Kersty Ryan manages to stand out from the rest as she invites us into the warm embrace she holds. The harmonies she executes ricochet in our hearts as we delve into the artistic talent that she seamlessly cascades upon this track.

“Outgrown,” is an ode to outgrowing a person who once played a huge role in Kersty Ryan’s life that no longer serves a purpose for being there. Diving into a mature subject matter like this places her on a different spectrum of artistry. If this is what we can expect from her EP, 'SAD GIRL,' we’re all for Kersty Ryan tugging at our heartstrings.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Kersty Ryan, thank you for being with us today. Regarding your EP, 'SAD GIRL,' you dive into real-life experiences that have shaped you. In, “Outgrown,” what moment inspired the lyrical content?

"Outgrown" was inspired by a relationship that I felt like I lost myself in. When I got out of the relationship, I felt like there was so little of myself left; like I put my entire identity into it, and then had nothing. Afterward, I was able to see the relationship from an outside perspective and find myself again without him in the picture. I feel like I learned so much about myself and about what love should look like in the process.

How long did the writing and recording process take you to complete, “Outgrown?"

It's funny because this was such a last-minute song. I had a different song in mind for the end of the EP, and then completely scrapped it last minute and decided I wanted to write a whole new song about this concept of "out-growing" somebody. I wrote the song in one night and then spent a week building it out and recording. It was finished two weeks before I had to upload the EP for release! I just thought it fit perfectly and I fell in love with it.

Do you allow your musical inspirations of Kelly Clarkson and Alicia Keys to speak into the music that you create?

Sometimes! A lot of my vocal inspiration as a kid came from both of them. They both introduced me to strong, powerful female vocals, with a ton of runs and so many different things. I think in a way they helped shape how I sing. As far as my music style/inspirations, I think I take a lot more from other pop artists like Julia Michaels and Billie Eilish.

Do the sounds heard in “Outgrown” pave the way for the other singles you have collected onto, 'SAD GIRL?'

Since this was the last song created for the EP (super last minute, too), I think it was more-so all the songs on the project came into play when getting inspiration for "Outgrown". I wanted something that fit into the project, that showed my journey from the past couple of years, and quite literally, showed my growth. I think it's the perfect ending for 'SAD GRL.'

What can we expect to see next from you?

More music! I have two music videos that will be coming out in the coming weeks as well. I have more singles, along with my album already in the works! I'm super excited.


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