Hip-hop with a modern twist is exactly what you get from KING Yabba’s “Boss Man.”
KING Yabba is a Hip-hop and R&B artist hailing from Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. Using KING to continually remind himself of the greatness he puts forth, KING Yabba’s main intentions with his artistic talents are to influence the youth and contribute to the evolution of the next generation.
KING Yabba has been creating music since his freshman year of high school. Starting in a group setting where he would collaborate with a collective of like-minded individuals, KING Yabba branched off into becoming an independent artist embarking on his solo journey as of Spring 2020. Garnering attention from listeners worldwide, KING Yabba continues to share his versatility, all while building his rapidly growing fan base.
“Boss Man” kicks off with the delicate playing of light keys and airy synths that create an empowering atmosphere with the instrumentation. KING Yabba has a distinct tonal distinction in that he adds a modern zest to the new wave of Hip-hop that we have become accustomed to. Placing the burning passion that he carries inside of him into how he performs his carefully crafted lyrics, KING Yabba dresses “Boss Man” with a custom sauce that only he is known for.
Conveying expressions of diving into life head first while not letting up is the hard-hitting message that KING Yabba puts forth into his abstract storytelling method. Reminding listeners that he is, in fact, the boss of his own journey and experiences, he sends a message of empowerment to all of his listeners to do the same. KING Yabba’s dominant vocalization matches the authoritative control behind his carefully crafted lyrics that he sheds, while the perfectly timed ad-libs add an extra dimension to this piece. If this is what KING Yabba has planned for us in the future, we are on board this Boss Man’s ship.

Congratulations on the release of “Boss Man.” With a song that carries this much passion behind it, we would love to know; was there a specific moment that inspired this creation?
Theodore Roosevelt once said, “Comparison is the thief of joy” I live every day knowing that I am an anomaly. I know that with supreme confidence, faith, and perseverance anything can be accomplished. I recorded “Boss Man” because sometimes my subconscious confidence slips away. I needed a constant sound to remind me of who I really am. One of my greatest inspirations, Kanye West, said; “some people really don’t want you to remember who you are, where you come from, or who you are destined to be”.
How does it feel working as a solo artist versus being in a collective with others? Have you found that your creative process has changed?
Working as a solo artist has allowed me to figure out what I believe are the nuances of creating and then putting out quality content at a consistent rate. Being solo allows me to really hone into my passion and talent. I’m also inspired by artists like Partynextdoor & NAV when it comes to being tucked away from the spotlight but; loud, outlandish, & genius when the play button is pressed upon.
What message would you like your listeners to take away from “Boss Man?"
I want my fans to believe the words within the hook as they do along and hear my pain and light through my verses & adlibs. When the record is over I’d love for the listener to add the song to their favorite playlist then let me know so I can thank them for having faith in THEMSELVES. We need more individuals in society with higher self-confidence.
Out of the heartfelt lyrics that you crafted for “Boss Man,” do you have a favorite lyric that resonates with you the most?
Fix that attitude are u crazy They used to call me crazy Wanted you to have my baby But u actin different lately Didn’t think that you would play me Didn’t think that I was racing I thought we was on da same team U switched up on me like kd Know that imma level up rise up from da settled dust Imma bouta give no f*cks Oppies gon be scared of us Finna run da baggie up Verified my status Do not steal my captions Yea I know I’m on one I’m in a relationship where in the past I would find myself being very self-conscious regarding my worth & status. I am a BONAFIDE perfectionist to the utmost degree. I believe THAT is God’s Will via KING Yabba. God helped me get myself out of that dark place. I realized that I AM. Simply that. I am whatever I am or aspire to be. This universe shall give back the same energy I give to it, one day.
What can listeners anticipate to hear next from you? I am prepared to drop 3 more tapes for the last seconds of 2020. Features range from MTVRAY, NxG, 6ixsidebean, Frazier St.Pablo & 400herbo. Within these projects are tons of singles so I may take the route of letting them all loose selectively. I have been working with artists and producers from all over the world. About 15% of those artists are from other countries, genres, & cultures. Another cool fact; out of that 15%, 10%-13% hit me up randomly as fans and offered to pay me for the feature. I’m not that guy. I rather run up the bag with another creator. We are all kings and queens. I’m excited and hope my fans are ready for one hell of a ride. I just need them to make room on the wave..... just in case we got some stragglers when we pop off.