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Learn to “Grow” With Urban Persevere

Urban Persevere is an American music artist and activist who has generated significant media attention to controversies within the rideshare industry, drawing attention to unfair and anti-competitive practices that Uber has undertaken. Also dabbling in the production of music that relates to his activism, Urban Persevere continues to break free from the norms.

Leaving us with a sentimental piece that comes straight from the heart, Urban Persevere delivers his heartfelt yet straightforward single, "Grow." The prevailing soundscape captures our attention immediately as we take in a vibrant sonic voyage reflective of early Kanye West with an exclusive flair. Showcasing his lyrical dexterity through a series of forwarding and melodic bars, the icy slick cadences have us immersed in the truth of Urban Persevere.

Dabbling in a witty feature of word-play and unmatched rhyme schemes, the up-and-coming artist used his pain from his mother's passing to encompass a determination like no other. Now, shedding every ounce of confidence into this descriptive representation of modern wave hip-hop standing apart from a myriad of genres to come, the vivacious quintessence that is Urban Persevere is memorable and captivating.

It's powerful to see an artist exude such an illuminating serving of self-assured hues as we boldly feast on this brilliance. Bolstering his place in the music industry, there is no doubt that Urban Persevere will continue to take strides as he conveys meaningful pieces with ease and grace.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Urban Persevere. Congratulations on the release of your latest single, "Grow." We hear a fierce blend of musical influences in the way you approach your signature sound. Could you please share a glimpse into what musical and non-musical influences have propelled this originality?

The sound comes from my soul I literally speak what’s in my heart whether it’s popular or unpopular. My musical influences are Jay Z, Kendrick Lamar, And lately Meek Mill because of his activist activities.

"Grow" comes from a deep place within yourself. What was the moment you decided that you would take this emotion and turn it into a song?

The song was made the same day the legend DMX passed away also the song was originally being made in honor of my mother dealing with a drug battle her self although cancer was the main culprit of her death drugs also played a major part same as DMX death so I thought I’d make a song to let people know that having that same challenge in their life of drug abuse there’s help out there which my audience will hear at the end of this song.

What message do you hope your audience can take away from the music you create?

Find People who care about what you care about and make them an army in your purpose also their purpose to accomplish a common goal for good, also courage and motivation to accomplish whatever your goal is whether it’s popular or unpopular. Motivate and help as many people as you can.

How has your mindset adapted from the time of writing this song to this very moment?

This song was so inspiring to me I know that it’s going to please my audience and it’s going to help my music brain grow it’s simply next level and I am excited to see what this current success is going to bring.

What's next for you?

Simply more music and more helping people who can’t help themselves also focusing on the NUMELLA app which will help millions of artists across the world get their music to the next level.

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