"I Remember September" is a sweet pop ballad that showcases Ruby Sue’s talent. Her voice and guitar skills are divine, making this song the perfect pick for a song to remember September by.
Ruby Sue successfully bridged the gap between Courtney Love's scorned candor and Taylor Swift's charming sensibility. Her versatility is unique! Ruby Sue plays the viola and violin in addition to the acoustic and electric guitar and her fine choral control.
Ruby Sue, a singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist from Minneapolis, Minnesota, released the ideal coming-of-age alt-rock album, The Need, for her debut. The Need is an album that transcends every feeling brought on by the disillusionment of wasted youth.
Ruby Sue ensures that this is an album not easily forgotten with the closing single of the album, "I Remember September." This melancholic and emotionally charged song is a complete hit. The song carries so much weight and shows just how good Sue is.
"I Remember September" is a powerful song that matches incredible vocal abilities with a sexy melodic guitar. Ruby Sue’s sweet voice is alluring and captivating, moving every fiber in your soul and drawing your tears.
Get ready to feel. "I Remember September" is the type of song that transports you to the setting the artist intended to show you. This time, Ruby Sue takes you on a trip down nostalgia lane.
Welcome to BuzzMusic, Ruby Sue, and congratulations on your latest hit, "I Remember September." Where do you draw your musical inspiration from?
I draw my musical inspiration from the pressing feelings inside of my body that have the need to come out. Words and melodies flow out of me in those moments when the emotions are too strong to keep in. As far as “The Need”, The product came out sounding like rock and alternative music. There are a few artists that had a great influence on that era, such as Sia and Hole. The strings used in Sia’s album “Colour the Small One” and Courtney Love’s biting lyrics and guitars in her album “Live Through This” show their colors through most of the songs.
Can you share your creative process to create "I Remember September?"
I wrote I Remember September one late night when I couldn’t sleep. I was tossing and turning, and scrolling through my phone, when I came across my “1 Second Everyday” app. The app compiles a one-second video from every day into a collage. I watched my September recap and was hit with a wave of nostalgia. I poured it out into my notebook.
I knew the lyrics were enough to speak for themselves, so when I produced it, I kept the instrumental simple to bring out the vocals and words.
What are three things you cannot leave your house with?
Three things I cannot leave the house with are my earbuds, lip gloss, and one of my trusty film cameras.
What would you say is the best part of "I Remember September?" Why?
The best part of "I Remember September" is the bittersweet feeling. I reminisce on some tender times that September brought and mourn that era of time and who I was, “Who will remember me when I’m not young and free? The gratitude I felt from experiencing those things and the heartbreak of moving on and overall growing up.
What's next for you?
I have many more songs in the works that I will put together into another release, whether that be a single, EP, or another album. What I’ve been writing lately has a new sound that focuses on melodies and has plentiful strings. This new music tugs on the heartstrings a bit more than my past work. I am very excited to share this new music!