The band Life Like Water consists of founder David Matters, and bandmates Megan Drollinger and Charles Furtado. David grew his music from days of living in a van, with just his banjo for company. Now he creates unique, trance-inducing music alongside his band with the hopes of speaking their truth to the world.
“Looks Like Rain” is a delicate and soothing folk track by Life Like Water, with a simple, traditional feeling to it. Musical effects are absent from this track, and yet the variety of instruments and melodies help the song speak volumes. One of the most prominent instruments you hear in “Looks Like Rain” is the violin, which adds a gentle melodic touch, as well as other string instruments. They add beautiful vocal harmonies that flow well with the soft, comforting lyrics. All aspects of the song parallel elements of nature and flowing water, which matches Life Like Water’s connection to the physical world. They sing “I think we’ll brave the storm” after the anticipation of rain, and this short but happy line is enough to leave a smile on your face. The Middle East and African influences are apparent with the intricate plucking melodies present throughout the song and add another unique element for listeners to appreciate.
Listen to “Looks Like Rain” by Life Like Water, here.
Welcome to BuzzMusic Life Like Water! Your song “Looks Like Rain” was so compelling and unique, what was the recording process like for this track? Our process in the studio is pretty simple. We like to try and approach each song like we do in a live setting, which for us means we build them like a tree coming out of the earth. A lot of our songs begin at the root, with either the guitar or a simple percussion part. Since most of the songs are based off the melody line, the guitar often takes the lead. From there, we just follow the branches as they reach out through the song. They steadily grow as the percussion takes control and the layers of texture build. The violin is most often used as an accent for the melody. It’s like the peach blossom in early spring. It’s beautiful and delicate but only lasts for a short while. In this way, it is very much appreciated when it arrives. The vocals and solo sections are like the leaves-they are often the thing that stand out the most but they are really just a small part of the whole. What is the most important aspect of songwriting to you? How do you stay true to your message? My approach to writing these songs has always been based on the feel of a haiku. I try and keep them simple and direct but packed full of meaning. The most important aspect of songwriting for me is authenticity and a natural flow. I try and stay true to my own voice, regardless of my perceived limitations. My life is a process, not a single event or even a collection of moments-and so to is creativity. It’s a constant unfolding. Like a hardy perennial that goes from unremarkable to dazzling and right back to unremarkable again, I try and work with the seasons and to use my place in the world as a point of reference for expression. What did you learn from your time hitchhiking and traveling with just a van? How does this experience weave itself into your music? I think what I learned most from my years of wandering was the joy of simplicity and the importance of non-attachment. After letting go of most of my material possessions and making the decision to keep only what I could store in a pack, I realized how little I really needed to survive-or to find happiness. We tend to place so much importance on things and stuff in our culture but at the end of the day, they really only tie us down and distract us from what’s important. That’s where non-attachment comes into play. When we aren’t so afraid of losing things or going without, we are much more capable of enjoying them when they are present. We can appreciate them fully and then just as fully, let them go. In this way, I have learned the real value of life itself. When I remember these things, I am much less neurotic and self-conscious. I am able to do things for the simple joy of doing them..But honestly, it was so much easier to do all this when I lived a life with very few responsibilities and no one else to take care of lol. Now, as a parent and a partner, it’s much more complicated. But I always try to remember what I learned in those care-free days and to apply them however I can. I doubt I would even be aware of this way of being had I not spent those years traveling. From what we’ve heard with “Looks Like Rain”, Life Like Water enjoys experimenting with instruments and sounds. What can we expect from you in the future? Will you stick with a familiar folksy sound, or branch into something new? I am always trying to evolve my style of writing and the way I approach music. My real goal is to create a new sound, something that comes straight from the heart but which incorporates all my influences. I don’t exactly know how we will get to this place but I feel that the possibilities are endless...I am also very fortunate to have such talented bandmates who are helping me develop this music. Their influence has certainly contributed to where we are. As I said before, creativity seems ever flowing and I don’t believe it has a finish line. I am quite happy with our current sound but I am definitely open to new possibilities.