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Look Into TGYE's Perspective Lens in "Mirrors"

Born in Wilson, North Carolina, TGYE, is an artist of another element. He began interacting and experiencing music at the age of 14.

From humble beginnings to his first recording being on an iPhone 4, he has come to provide listeners with top-tier sound quality. TGYE has always loved art, but the music was one of his favorite outlets of expression. He stands for the idea of bringing music back through storytelling elements, and the ability to touch people’s souls.

Surfing through the rhythmic appeal of new wave Hip-hop, we tap into the distinctive soundscape of TGYE’s most recent single “Mirrors.” There’s a moody elixir of musical components that have you fastened to the progressions that the instrumentation distributes amongst those tuning in.

Bolstered into the energy that TGYE disburses through his vocal performance, we capture the melodic effervescence that has you swaying to the seemingly dark structure before you. The song’s title "Mirror” directly reflects on TGYE’s introspection as an artist, and creative at the helm of his own sonic creations. The futuristic realm takes on nods of nostalgic 80s synth wave as TGYE casts out an exclusive fusion of eras and genres in order to propel “Mirrors” through your speakers.

What we admire the most about this insightful record has to be the transitions between TGYE’s thoughts that change in the flourishing atmospheres lingering in the composition. He makes a creation like this speak wonders about who he is beyond the music.

Representing his views through a perspective lens that in turn sparks a flood of thoughts, we continue to douse ourselves in “Mirrors,” all while pressing the repeat button.

Welcome to BuzzMusic TGYE, and congratulations on the release of your most recent single, “Mirrors.” What inspired such an introspective approach to this single?

Thank you, bless bless. First off major shoutout to a good friend of mine, “Itwasashy.” He produced and engineered this song, and we work really well together, that’s my guy. I would not be able to have this single if not for him. But to answer your question, in all truth, this song is one hundred percent inspired by Justin Timberlake's song “Mirrors.” When I first heard the beat from my producer I was attached automatically but I didn’t know what I wanted to speak on.I didn’t know what I wanted to write about. One day I was at work and heard “Mirrors” by Justin Timberlake on the station and was brought back to when the song first came out, I was young and that song really struck me by its melodies and instruments. Justin Timberlake is an amazing creative. To this day I still love that song. But yea, I heard that song and told myself I need to bring emotion to whatever it is I write, I need to feel, I want to make something that is real, something you can’t ignore when you listen. When I record I like to play with my voice and do all of these sounds and vocals because, for me, that makes music. I mean that’s what music is, a mixture of sounds and I want to expand on that. I figured to speak what was on my mind at the time, and it happened to be me self-reflecting.

Growing up with influences in the genre of Hip-hop, do you find that you take the old school origins into consideration when crafting your original creations?

Indeed, yes I do. At all times. The roots come from being original and that continuous drive to create. I always remember to be myself and not feel ashamed about the reality of life. It’s not easy of course, but it’s something no one should be afraid to talk about. Music should make you feel yourself again or at least bring you to yourself. So pulling that thought process out and placing it into my music is a lot easier. Hip-hop started off original and different from what others were doing at the time. I hold that same energy when I create now. To me it’s freeing and again, allowing me to be myself.

What does “Mirrors,” say about you as an individual aside from the music?

I would say it’s the acknowledgment and reminder that I’m the one watching and the one being watched. People's eyes are mirrors. My eyes are mirrors. I see myself for who I am and who I was..or at least thought I was. It’s continuous growth. I know that I am human and I know the reality of what it means to be. Not everything or everyone is perfect. Sometimes we have to look at ourselves and remember who we are. To live is important, live it up.

What’s your mission statement as an artist? How do you ensure that you carry that out through each song you create?

Love who you are, know who you are, and be what you seek. Life isn’t easy but flowers don’t without the dirt. I stay true to myself and God comes first. I wouldn’t be here if not for existence. When I’m creating, just overall, I allow the feeling at that moment to flow through me and just go at it. So my feeling is what ignites that spark to sound the way I do. The main point is to truly enjoy what it is I’m doing and be real with what it is I’m doing. I can never lose that. I never will. It’s the smallest things in life that bring us an infinite amount of happiness. Everyone creates in some shape or form, my way happens to be music. We all have feelings, it’s based upon how we express them.

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