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Mike Ruggi Leads the Pack in, "Way To Go"

Hailing from West Chester PA, Mike Ruggi’s earliest Hip-hop memories stems back to his older brother showing him the ropes as a child. Always learning about the influential artists who paved the way for the greats today, his passion for the genre began at a young age.

As Mike Ruggi explored the ways that he could style his words into the art, he experimented with freestyling and then moved on to writing songs of his own. Hesitant to share his creations at first, 2020 was the year that convinced Mike Ruggi to follow through with his purpose and to bring his musical creations to the ears of the public.

Stepping out of his comfort zone and exploring an avenue that he often doesn’t venture, Mike Ruggi’s most recent single “Way To Go,” taps into a genuine essence of his current mood. Nuzzled in the lyrical dexterity that he effortlessly flaunts, the words he brings to life depict a vulnerable mind-state that many are afraid to embrace.

The punchy cadences that he disburses through this piece allow us to authentically feel the emotion that he placed behind each meaningful rhyme scheme conveyed. The ominous hues that resonate in the instrumentation add a chilling factor that emphasizes the importance of the message on display.

As Mike Ruggi exudes a hunger in his unapologetic vocalization, he makes it known that discovering the lane you belong in is not an easy feat, and creating that lane becomes an even more difficult task when you bury your soul within yourself.

Leaving it all on the table, Mike Ruggi redefines his quintessence as he releases his most vulnerable piece of art to date. Closely following the reverberated echoes that bring his audience to connect with him on a more personal level, “Way To Go,” has Mike Ruggi elevating to new-found glory as we watch and applaud his courage.

Congratulations on the release of “Way To Go.” We admire the confidence it took for you to get in touch with a more vulnerable side of yourself for this specific track! What moment or story prompted you to take this mellow avenue that remains prevailing with the message?

Just life, and certain moments in each day that make you question certain things. I have a great life don’t get me wrong but that doesn’t mean that some days make me question myself. Are you happy? Is this where I should be at this point in my life? Is it too late for a 32-year-old like myself to finally put out my music and make a name? What do people think? That last question I need to get better at still. Figuring out doing for ME is what makes me happiest. Sounds dumb but a lot of people don’t do for them and worry about things that are out of their control. This song shows I am a work in progress trying to find my lane.

Could you please share a glimpse of the creative process that you endured when bringing this song to the ears of the public? How did it vary from previous processes you have experienced?

This song was a bit of a stretch for me compared to others, but I make each song based on what mood I am in. Producers (HypeNoType) sent me the beat and it fit exactly where I was mentally. I didn’t write any of this song. I freestyled it in my head and memorized it before the recording process. To me, it makes for a better song when fully memorized because you get the real emotion instead of focusing on reading it properly.

As an artist, each individual’s message to their fan base varies. What is the main one that you send out to your listeners?

Be you. Don’t try to fit the mold and follow everyone else. To my true fans, thank you for accepting my music and showing love. Y'all are the reason I keep going! I will continue to put out real music to relate to & that may help someone in some way.

Since taking the plunge to release your creations in an open setting, what has been your favorite part of your artistic career?

Just the feeling of making music knowing the world will hear it. Boring answer, I know.... but I held back for so many years for so many lame reasons that releasing new music everywhere is enough for me. Especially with the feedback, I have been receiving. The little things go a long way for me. That is what keeps me motivated for more.

What can we expect to see next from?

More music & music videos. Going to start to see visuals with new and older music.

Some performances are also in the near future. This past year has been hectic but as things get back to normal I will be looking to do some shows. Maybe even some LIVE performances on IG. Maybe.

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