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Mokotow Is Leaving Us Feeling Somber And Tranquil With Latest Single “Do I Haunt The Ways”

Writer's picture: BUZZ LABUZZ LA

We’re loving the sound Mokotow brings to the music industry. Through his music, you can tell Mokotow is a son of musicians. The expertise in the curation of his music gives it entirely away! The musical genes are definitely within Mokotow, and he further represents his ability to curate intricate melodies and sounds through his most recent album “Domino”. We took a listen to the album start to finish (which we recommend every listener doing—don’t shuffle this one). The daunting and alluring sound from each single comes in a different shape and form throughout the album—Mokotow progressively creates haunting sounds in each and every single, and complements that type of atmosphere with the deep progression of his voice. If we had to classify the genre of Mokotow (and we don’t really want to since we believe his sound is so eclectic) we’d have to say it’s alternative blues. Definitely a genre we aren’t used to hearing here at BuzzMusic, but for sure a genre we were missing out on. 

Mokotow’s “Do I Haunt The Ways” is the first track off of his latest album “Domino”, and it begins with a pretty somber melody, and eventually melts into the melancholic vocalism of Mokotow. Mokotow’s latest track is definitely a slower sound and rhythm than what you BuzzMusic listeners might be used to, but we definitely recommend you crack the shell and check out “Do I Haunt The Ways”. It’s a different sound we aren’t used to hearing on a daily basis, and it’s soothing underlying melody will have you feeling as if you’re drowsing off. The perfect ballad you would want to be hearing when having a relaxing day at home. The element of “Do I Haunt The Ways" we found most intriguing was how captivating Mokotow’s voice is all throughout. There’s not a second that you aren’t invested into the song and listening to every word that comes out of Mokotow’s mouth—he have to give it to him, he really knows how to properly keep the audience mesmerized. Mokotow gives us nothing but raw honesty and authenticity in his latest single, and we suggest you check it out to understand what we mean!

Listen to “Do I Haunt The Ways” here and get to know more about Mokotow below!

Hello Mokotow! Please introduce yourself to our readers! 

Hi there, I’m Mike. I sometimes go by Mokotow and I’d like to get to know you just enough to wrangle your sad emotional heartstrings with these little diddlies we sometimes refer to as ‘songs’. 

“Do I Haunt The Ways” felt incredibly somber to us. Was this the vibe you were attempting to maintain throughout the curation of the single?

Absolutely. This was me culminating a longtime creative desire, of materializing this feeling with an off-kilter kind of traditional crooner tune. A proper doom & gloom undertone but at the same time defiant in its awareness. I’ve wanted to write something like this for years but knew I’d had to wait until the time was right to execute it properly. 

What was your personal favorite element of “Do I Haunt The Ways”?

Would either be the lyrical context or the swirling progression of the song, that culminates in the last quarter fromit’s waltzing minimalism to full strings and percussion 

Who would you say are your top three musical inspirations that has helped guide you within your own creation process?

T-Bone Burnett, Satie and sad-sad Sinatra 

If you could compare yourself to the likes of any other artist, who would it be?

Honestly I don’t know. It’s harder for me to read since this record was written at a time of detachment, from direct influences, from anyone’s suggestions since I wrote it on my own. It was more about opening up to an inner voice and just letting it ride. Some have shared friendly suggestions or comparisons to Tom Waits (which I don’t really get, unless it’s about some prepubescent presmoking era-Waits ), Nick Cave, Leonard Cohen according to my mother which was actually special coming from her. Then again I’m no Neil Diamond.  


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