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New Music: Sincerely Craig Releases New Music Video for Single “Oh My"

Sincerely Craig is electrifying acoustic duo from Toronto, Canada. The name pays homage to where this power couple met, on Craigslist while living in downtown Toronto. Sasha and David come from completely different musical backgrounds and never thought they would make music together, let alone fall in love with one another. Sincerely Craig creates an explosive sound by combining all of the best elements of acoustic, metal, and rock. Sasha brings forth a musical influence with an extremely versatile and emotional voice while David delivers innovative guitar riffs and a powerful vocal register. The duo’s newest single, “Oh My” comes equipped with pummeling, in sync vocals and a sultry new music video to match. 

The first thing to strike you about this release from Sincerely Craig is the crisp and intimate finish of the recording. The simple strum of an acoustic guitar sounds relevantly blissful, contrasting the gritty vocals that follow. Once involved, the simple emotion and rising intensity of “Oh My” and the music surrounds you in the way that any effective and addictive song dealing with the deepest of human emotions should do. It captivates for its realness, the leading vocals from both Sasha and David have a genuinely passionate sound, not to mention a flawless ability to carry those varying notes with style and certainty. The song begins softly and emerges with power, not unlike some of the most commonly played indie-rock songs of recent years. “Oh My” has been considerately crafted, and this shows in the structure and evolution of it all. Not simply moving from a verse to a chorus, but ensuring every element involved assists the music and the emotion in that change. “Oh My” is a powerful and spectacular new song, we’re always looking forward to hearing more from Sincerely Craig! Listen to "Oh My" here.



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