RnB artist Nicole Leaskk is here to show listeners her wide-ranged influence and vulnerability in the form of new music. Giving us fusions of Lo-Fi instrumentation, combined with her innate contemporary stylings, Nicole Leaskk creates rich environments attached to meaningful perspectives. We get to hear the real-life contemplations of Nicole Leaskk, along with the mental state that comes attached to such thoughts.
There's subtle and delicate feel to Nicole Leaskk's latest single release, "Take You Back." The single follows along the struggles involved in associating yourself with a past lover. Nicole Leaskk does a phenomenal job of expressing the various emotions involved within such a thought process.
The desperation and yearning are so very apparent within her vocals, which only accentuates the storyline. Nicole Leaskk allows herself to become a character within her music, and she ensures that she fits the act as best as possible, which only amplifies the listening experience. It's also this aspect that allows her music to feel very raw and unfiltered, making the artist-to-listener connection more prominent.
The production of "Take You Back" meshes into this emotionally-drawing aspect of Nicole, and the entire experience she offers is quite elusive. All in all, "Take You Back" doesn't lack the slightest bit of sensibility, making us eager to hear the next release by Nicole Leaskk.

"Take You Back" felt incredibly packed with various emotions and we felt that there was almost a yearning emulating from your vocals. Can you delve deeper into this contrast between the lyricism but also the vocal intonations?
Firstly, thank you for your kind words regarding the track. For me personally both as an artist and as a music consumer, lyrics are so important to me. They set the mood, tell the story, and take you on a journey. Many people don't see vocals as an instrument but understanding how to use your voice is vital. In Take You Back I used a variety of tones, dynamics, and vibrato to emphasize certain words within the track. For example, in the bridge, I increased the vocal dynamics of saying 'What do I do?' and used call and response as a plea. It's about keeping it as natural as possible, for the consumer to understand the story. By using lower dynamics in the verse and a speaking tone, it allows the chorus to really stand out.
Music of yours such as "Take You Back" really gives you the opportunity to open yourself up to listeners, and share your own narrative. Would you say that the majority of "Take You Back" was influenced on your own life, or do you source out your inspiration in more than one way?
I think as an artist is so important to write from your own experience because if not you cannot tell the story in the right way. The reason I write music is to give people a sense of community and belonging. It can be a very lonely world and our generation has been given the ability to not even leave your house to be able to communicate with others. By creating music that others can relate to and connect with your giving people that avenue to meet new people but to also normalize their thoughts and feelings. This will then transform into going to a show and not only sharing that experience with their friends who share the same interest but a room full of people who understand what it's like to feel a certain way. That's a community. That's a family. Take you back is a song that focuses on toxic and unhealthy relationships with people in your life. Whether this a lover, family, or friend it's something we have ALL experienced. It says, I know you're no good for me, but I love you too much to not have you in my life, so I'll take you back at the risk of being hurt.
As an artist who frequently covers deep and emotional themes, do you find that such themes ever take a toll on you personally when having to write, record, and essentially craft potentially painful singles?
Of course, writing emotional songs are difficult. You must take yourself off to a very uncomfortable place and bring up those thoughts and feelings you felt at the time that may have been buried, which for anyone can be challenging, musician or not. You allow the world to listen to your most vulnerable thoughts and feelings and allow them to know more of your life than you would discuss if you were to meet up for tea. On the other hand, it's also incredibly therapeutic and teaches you discipline. As someone who finds it difficult to express thoughts and feelings, music is my outlet to be able to do this. I think that's what makes my music raw and honest. Because it is proof that journeys are not always easy, but you can turn any negative situation into a positive and you are never powerless.
What're some next steps that you're hoping to take in the near future, both personally and artistically?
My main goal is to continue to release music and eventually go on tour. I'm obsessed with watching tour diaries on YouTube and there truly is nothing like being on stage. I aim to connect with more people who enjoy my music and show them how truly grateful I am for those who do listen to my music and show consistent support. I want to grow as an artist and personally into someone who I'm proud of and who my family is proud of.
What has been keeping you inspired during one of the most challenging years?
It's as simple as knowing what I want to achieve and manifesting that. Knowing you are the only person who can allow your goals to be met is actually quite empowering. I feel lucky that I have been able to have this time to constantly create, write, and record. Watching other artists create content that was different and creative such as Nina Nesbit has been interesting to watch the thought and has really inspired my creativity.