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Not All is Glamorous in Mikey's Latest Illustrations of, "Madonna"

Emerging Toronto-based artist Mikey, is multifaceted in the way that he creates. As a singer, rapper, writer, and pianist, he has been creating music for the past six years.

His movement as an artist is to take the struggles of the inner city kid and speak about the ups and downs that they go through. Mikey wants to bring forth a balance in his music and show his audience that his sound represents the city and the people in it.

Carrying a weighty pull in the tantalizing expressions heard in “Madonna,” Mikey allows an exceedingly robust influence of lyrical wit to fuel the dark crevasses of this eye-opener. The instrumentation remains fairly simplistic in the components that are exuded in the musical portion of this composition.

We admire the minimalistic approach that carries just enough oomph in the elements that lay in the production quality as they allow us to focus on the messaging that Mikey emanates as an emcee. A well-rounded exhibition of Mikey’s lyrical dexterity is rather flattering in the shadowy lane that weaves about in “Madonna.”

The presence that he uses in his tonal distinction makes it so we hear the hunger, pain, and honesty he is willing to spare. “Madonna,” depicts a storytelling narrative that reminds us of old-school Hip-hop tenors that capture the art and organ of the genre. Bar after bar, there is no need for a chorus as the depth lies in the experiences being lived out in this song.

As we come to the final moments of the song, we finally realize who Madonna is and we attempt to put the pieces together as we pick our jaw up off of the floor. Unremittingly exposing his fan base to the various sides of being an inner-city kid, Mikey sprinkles beauty in the traumatizing moments that life expands on.

The tale that you dive into is extremely detailed and bold. Was this song based on a real-life experience?

Thank you! Yes, the song is very detailed because it is a scenario that really hits home, stories like this are common in the city I grew up in. It's almost normal to get in situations like this even when you're trying to avoid it. So the lyrics are very straightforward and direct, you can feel like it is happening to you. I wanted to show a story about how it is growing up in the areas I live in and also show the reality of what some of us are really going through right now.

What are you hoping that listeners take away from your blunt honesty dispersed in “Madonna?"

Well, I just hope you like it, and understand the story and really feel it. From there you can depict it in any way you like! Some may see it just as a song that will get you amped and ready, maybe think about people that you have negative situations with, or maybe just sonically and musically like the track, I just hope you like it in all shapes and forms.

Dabbling in the numerous elements that you choose to express your artistry, do you happen to have a favorite part of the creative process that you enjoy the most?

I honestly enjoy everything about the creative process, I love writing and just getting into my zone, I enjoy listening to beats I've never heard, working and growing relationships with people who want to create with you. Learning new things is a great feeling, sometimes when you create you think of things you would never think of doing and then putting it on a canvas, and then taking it what you've created and finding more ways to make it better. I think that's why I choose different elements being an artist I'm just very passionate about everything about creating.

How do you find that “Madonna,” compares to other songs heard in your music catalog? Was the creative process for this track any different than your usual one lived out?

Well, this track is old-school, boom bap, storytelling type music, with vivid words and a message, and say this is a great piece me and mailman created. My boy/engineer Mailman produced and engineered this track, he was literally showing me some of his beats and he's a boom-bap guy. He showed me his beats and this one just spoke to me, the guitar sounds so crazy and the little sample was the cherry on the top that I just want to do something with it. I think something that was different? honestly not really, just in the studio creating with a great person and vibing out with something that was made by us. Working on it and working on it till we feel it's done.

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