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POCKiT Discusses Sonic New Album “En Camino – On Our Way”

Welcome to Buzz, POCKiT! We are so excited to discuss your new album, “En Camino - On Our Way.” We couldn’t wait to ask, but what inspired this project?

Thank you for having us! "En Camino - On Our Way" is a culmination of our collective journey as a band. We drew inspiration from our own experiences, individually and as a group, and channeled that into our music. The album reflects our diverse backgrounds, musical influences, and the vibrant energy of the South Florida music scene. Also, it reflects the band's experience of our show with incredible musicians from our tour visit to Mexico.

So, how did POCKiT come to be? Give us your origin story!

POCKiT started as a collaboration between Chip Gardner on keyboards, Moises Linares on drums and cymbals, and Jason Spencer on bass back in 2017. We began jamming together and quickly realized there was something special about the chemistry between us. As we continued to evolve and refine our sound, Joshua Walton, a rising bassist from Miami, FL became the new member on bass.

In 2021, we crossed paths with one extraordinary up-and-coming guitarist, Sebastian Pareja. We enjoy collaborating with new musicians, and for this album, we’re extremely excited to feature Itawe Correa and Jota Freire, Grammy winner and nominated artists, as well as Andrew Amengor, Luigi Arredondo, and Fat-Mojo, (Jimena Oropeza and Jerry Montana) from Puebla, Mexico to expand our sonic palette further.

Regarding “En Camino—On Our Way,” which song are you most excited for your fans to hear and why?

All of them!!! Lol - That's a tough one! Each song on "En Camino - On Our Way" holds a special place in our hearts, but if we had to choose, we'd say "Mocoso" and “No Headlights.” Those two tracks capture our essence as a band - funky, energetic, and unapologetically unique. Plus, it features some incredible guest musicians we collaborated with, so we can't wait for our followers to hear it.

If your fans could resonate with one message from your music, what would you want it to be and why?

More than anything, we hope our music is a source of inspiration and joy for everyone who appreciates original music. Whether getting lost in the groove, connecting with the lyrics, or simply letting go and having a good time, we want our music to resonate with people on a deeper level. At the end of the day, music is a universal language that can bring people together, and if we can be a part of that, then we've done our job.

What does music mean to you, and is there anything you’d like to say to your fans?

Recording and performing music is everything to us. It's our passion, our purpose, and our way of expressing ourselves to the world. We pour our hearts and souls into every note we play, and we're endlessly grateful to everyone who follows us for their love and support.

Without them, none of this would be possible. So, to all of our followers and supporters out there, thank you from the bottom of our hearts. We hope you enjoy "En Camino - On Our Way" as much as we enjoyed creating it. Keep on following the POCKiT, and we'll see you on the road soon!


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