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Q-Starnes Addresses a Moving Message in "You're Enough"

Monroe, North Carolina native recording artist Q-Starnes embarks on the journey of bringing awareness to mental health in his latest single, "You're Enough."

Being in the music industry for over ten years, Q-Starnes has been on stage since he was around eight years old. Music has always been in his family for many years, and he realized early on what his true calling in life was; to write and create records to inspire and motivate people.

Incorporating his trials and tribulations to the cognizant single in play, "You're Enough," speaks from a personal place of emotion and experience as Q-Starnes speaks motivating words to his fan base before him. The instrumentation's melodic sounds fixate upon a delicate ensemble of keys poignantly performing in an inviting atmosphere.

Transitioning focus through the movement that effortlessly flows in this prevailing message, Q-Starnes has recruited Sherretta Ivey to properly execute the melodic chorus that recites the song's title back to us. "You're Enough" is dedicated to teenagers and people around the world struggling with depression. Emphasizing optimism that needs to take the driver's seat in these individuals' lives, Q-Starnes reinforces this welcoming invitation because of the place it occupies in his being. Q-Starnes is a force to be reckoned with as he delves into a grippingly raw thesis that has him elevated in a new-fangled dimension.

The clear and present vocal delivery he portrays acts as a solidified ground for those who need a positive influence to walk amongst. Be sure to tap in with Q-Starnes, and remember that you're not fighting alone. With words of wisdom placed in such high regard, Q-Starnes is making impactful waves in the genre of Hip-hop.

If you or somebody you know is in need of a 24-hour crisis center, please call 1-800-273-8255.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Q-Starnes, we love the message that you send out, “You’re Enough.” Could you please take us into what the creative process entailed when bringing this song to life?

"You're enough" simply started with a conversation between my (producer) little sister Niyah Lindsey and me. I was explaining to her my struggle with depression and how stressed out I was and she was in full agreement as I confided in her about my struggle. She herself was stating that she was battling that same demon and it led me to come to the realization that not just myself but many people in the world are facing this same issue of depression but people are ashamed to talk about it. What I discovered was it all stems back to us wanting material things and desiring a rich and famous life so bad it was causing me a deep sadness inside because I felt like I needed these things and all the awards and accolades and the glamorous lifestyle that comes with it. Which made me decide to write a record that spoke to the youth about my struggle but hoping I could reach them in a way that I could be transparent and not sound too preachy and to tell the youth you don't have to obtain all these things you yourself is enough by simply being alive is all that matters at the end of the day. Just because you don't have all these things we so deeply desire your life is still special. You still have a purpose and meaningful life. And that's how "you're enough" came about. That convo led me to write and the original title of the song was "I'm Enough" was supposed to be a letter that I was writing to myself. My mom overheard me reiterate that chorus over and over and yelled out my name "Quan" she said you should change that tagline to You're Enough "I know the song is about you but it's for the listener and that's who you should be speaking to." And just like that, I made the minor adjustment that fixed the tagline in the song Niyah brought the music together and magic happened what an honor to pull together such a huge record with such powerful meaning.

How important is it for you to speak about vulnerable topics in the music that you create?

It is very important because music is the direct segway to someone's mind, body and soul. So if I can create something inspiring that's gonna lift up a person's spirit then I'm going to continue to do that. Because that's exactly what music has done for me all these years, music has gotten me through times where I had nobody to talk to but yet I could hear the write song and suddenly I'm full of joy because somebody else's testimony or story in a song sounded so relatable to me I would totally feel alive again. So it's very important to talk about vulnerable topics because you never know what a person is going through that might be listening and the topic you choose could be what they need to hear in a dark moment of their lives for sure.

How does “You’re Enough” compare to other songs that you have placed in your music catalog?

You're enough compared to a few different songs of mine because throughout my music catalog you would see that I always tried to make at least one uplifting and inspiring and motivating song on each album. But this one was just one that felt so right at the time to release and it was simply because the world is in such a deep depressed state right now due to all these covid challenges and adapting to this new way of life. It was just the perfect time for a record like this. So it is similar to a few songs I've done previously. It was just the timing of it that made it so strong, almost incomparable and so impactful things just worked out that way. I'm beyond grateful for the response we've gotten thus far for sure.

What is the main message that you send out to your listeners through your music and brand?

The main message I always try to send no matter what it is when a person is listening to me is to never give up hope. Always strive to be more in life than just another stereotype failure. Always, always strive to be the greatest you and the best you that you can be possible no matter what.

What can fans anticipate to hear next from you?

My fans the next few years can expect to hear more uplifting and positive music from me. I believe God has a call on my life to inspire people through my gift and I'm gonna make sure I do that to my fullest potential until I leave this earth. I'm also the leader of a management organization D4G (Destined For Greatness Management) bringing out talent underneath myself. I'm releasing another single this year in May so stay tuned in for that. On another note, I'm preparing for my long-anticipated debut album titled "Walking In My Destiny" for release this year. So if you support and believe in me I ask all the fans to stay tuned in because if they follow me on this journey I'm gonna make sure they hear motivation. They'll walk away from listening to me becoming the best they can be because my duty is to inspire and motivate my listeners simple as that.


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