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Reminisce Through Emotions with Noah Peterson's "New York Ave"

Noah Peterson is an artist currently serving in the United States Marine Corps. Hailing from Knoxville, Tennessee, but presently stationed in New Jersey, Noah Peterson still manages to make time for his music.

Releasing a song that acts as a giant metaphor for how he was feeling at the time of creation, bringing this piece to life truly helped him get through difficult times. Capturing his poetic songwriting techniques throughout his newly released single “New York Ave,” we get to experience a mesmerizing offering of pure emotion. Cascading melodies latch on to the striking vocalization of Noah Peterson as this record unravels triumphantly.

Lush guitar chords drive home the composition as we slowly get introduced to various elements rounding out the flourishing essence of “New York Ave.” As the resonated bass line chimes in, we get swept into the rhythmic appeal that dips into a narrative of heartfelt emotion. By the time the seamless percussion weaves its way into this piece you are flounced into the abstract lyrical motifs such as ‘all of the lights were growing dim, heroes died and came back again.’ The harmonics in the recording are truly remarkable.

We bask in every note that is shed in Noah Peterson’s vocal performance as it gently aligns with how the instrumentation is portrayed. Written from a place of sentimental reflection, the earnest words intricately placed in this soundscape shape the motives of the soul-infused Noah Peterson.

Hello Noah Peterson, welcome to BuzzMusic, and congratulations on the release of “New York Ave.” We love the way the song builds into a truly triumphant moment! What inspired you to structure the song this way?

Thank you! I wanted to start the song slowly to paint a picture in the listener’s mind, then gradually increase the music’s intensity with the vividness of the lyrics. Once I was certain the listener had thought they knew what direction the song was headed in, I wanted to hit them with a crazy solo right out of nowhere. By the end of the song, I wanted my vocals to feel very empty and alone so that the message or story (pick one) can be heard.

Thank you for your service in the Marine Corps. Do you find various sources of inspiration come to you through this venture of your life?

Yes, I do, since enlisting in the Marines I’ve had to cope with being alone for the first time in my life. A lot of the things I write deal with growth and expressing myself, and writing my lyrics and thoughts down actually gets me through the tough times.

In your own words, what does this song mean to you as an artist and individual? What are you hoping your audience takes away from it?

This song is probably my most personal song yet, and I’m really proud of it. I worked on the lyrics for about a year and a half before I finally got the whole thing to tell a complete story filled with metaphors and elaborate descriptions of how I felt at the time I started writing it. I hope that the listener can appreciate and enjoy the build-up of the words and the music, and in a way, identify with this song, and picture themselves walking on New York Avenue.

What happened to be your favorite part during the release of this song? What have you taken from it?

Besides actually finishing the song, my favorite part has to be creating the cover art. I spent a lot of time drawing, coloring with charcoal, and editing, and the result was something super awesome.

What would you like new listeners to know about you and your music?

I would LOVE for the listeners to know that I appreciate their support, and while I’m currently occupied with the Marines, it won’t stop me from putting out new bangers as much as I can. Once I’m done with serving, I plan on pursuing music full time, so bear with me.

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