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Shining A Spotlight On Beto Vargas And His New Release, "I Won't Stop" ft Camie Llano

The magical Beto Vargas delivers another top-tier record to keep his fanbase intact and entertained. Producer, songwriter and engineer prepare to give you chills with every record he puts out.

The universal language of goosebumps has driven almost every listener to strive for greatness and to want more for their lives; it's a beautiful moment to capture in the sonic realm. This diamond in the rough has shared studio sessions with the legendary likes of John Legend & Barbra Streisand. Beto Vargas's colourful aura from Colombia plans his international take-over, starting with "I Won't Stop."

The heartwarming overall lyrical delivery on "I Won't Stop" brings this song to life, with both artists paying attention to detail, making for the most epic listening experience. In many of the lines, it revolves around a person's fortitude and what they have to go through to fight and keep the darkness out of their personal journey.

In their recent interview with BuzzMusic, Beto was asked what he had gone through to write this record. He replied that when he and Camie had written the record Beto Vargas was going through a burnout period feeling as if all his efforts brought him to stand still. "...we realized that we wanted to make a song for artists, and that, in a way, was a call to action".

Gracefully done, they've achieved by creating a musical masterpiece, "I Won't Stop," as a reminder to all creatives worldwide that even when you're going through this rough patch that it's a make or break moment, keep this track in mind and don't stop creating.

"This is a song where the words just poured out of us. Some songs are easier to write than others, but Camie and I were so connected with this idea that we wrote it in one afternoon at my studio in a very natural and effortless way." 2023 is packed with new music, says Beto, his next single, titled "I'm Taking Over," is set to release this year paired with a music video & later on, his album. Planning shows and his tour, we're ecstatic to hear and witness the greatness first-hand.

Read the full interview and article with the multi-faceted Beto Vargas and his latest release, "I Won't Stop," here.


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