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Sonic Acrylic Allows Rhythm To Meet Edge In "Alternates"

Informed by a life of mental illness and societal falsehoods, Ben Kernion of Sonic Acrylic found freedom in the beautiful flow of existence. His mission is to flow in life and inspire others to do the same.

In his latest upbeat single titled "Alternates," Sonic Acrylic has us immersed in the buoyant sounds of nostalgic pop hues. Making this composition well-rounded in its impactful trail of musical bliss, Sonic Acrylic has us taking in the colossal percussion patterns and electric synth arrangements in a way that has us eagerly asking for more. Touring pop-punk moments of edge and grit, there's a myriad of emotions that come rushing in through this genre-defying creation.

At times we seep into the psychedelic nature that the opulent guitar riffs amplify, but at others, the amplified tenors in a chaotic universe of boisterous captivation. No moment is taken the same with "Alternates," and no two people taking it in will perceive it in a similar context. That's the beauty of Sonic Acrylic. As we continue to embrace the eclectic quintessence that comes from a record of this calibre, we admire how the buoyant architecture of "Alternates" resides in our heads.

Bringing glimmers of wavy funk to the copious sounds visited, the vibrancy of Sonic Acrylic is a feel that is catered by their infectious grooves. Ready for what they have in store for us next,

"Alternates" is a bop that we will gladly place on our favorite playlist.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Sonic Acrylic, and congratulations on the release of "Alternates." We love how you defy all genres and bring a refreshing sound to the forefront of the music industry. What inspired the particular sounds heard on this record?

Thank you, I was really into the idea of bringing together 2000's progressive music like The Mars Volta and rock music that follows pop structure more traditionally, like Radiohead and the Beatles. There's something about the way getting out there in prog music can disintegrate your conception of what's real, and pop structure reveals a relatable story that makes sense to me in combination with real life and is both surreal and entertaining.

What's the meaning that you've placed into "Alternates?" What is the central theme that you'd like your audience to take away from it?

It just captures a period of self-discovery in my life where I went from cursing out the pressures of society for its oppressive nature to embracing all forms of nature in general, losing a sense of separateness, etc... It's easy to get caught up in the story of oscillations, makes you forget you're the whole wave, it'll make you sick. Acceptance is medicine.

What happens to be your favorite part of the creative process? Do you find this remains relatively consistent through all songs that you create?

I love when an album is conceived first as a collection of songs and then in the actual studio. Both times are satisfying and revelatory. I find there's always some unique entry point for each song, so in terms of individual song process, it's finding that thread that I can pull on and unravel the sweater, which usually is signified by what activity I'm enjoying, whether it's playing a certain instrument or thinking about a piece of music/concept. I like to flow and not try to influence things too much other than to say I better put the time in once I'm there making something. I just let it happen.

How have you found yourself growing as an artist from the moment you started making music to now?

Yeah, for sure. I mean, you either grow up or grow down. The direction is binary, and linear time is movement. I've learned quite a lot since I started making music, through the ups and downs.

What can listeners anticipate to hear from you in the new year?

In the new year, there will be much new music in the form of singles and a full length or 2, and barring global health considerations, heavy touring next summer.

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