Canadian singer-songwriter with a knack for storytelling takes us through the hardships of love with her latest heartfelt single, "But I Do."
At the mere age of 18, Sophia Fracassi has mastered the art of personal, relatable, and attention-commanding storytelling that's inspired by industry heavyweights like Taylor Swift and Joni Mitchell. Now venturing into adulthood, Sophia Fracassi continues navigating the peaks and valleys of life while tracking her progress through stunning new tunes.
Showcasing her intense affinity with lyrical mastery is Sophia Fracassi's latest single, "But I Do," which sees her yearning to feel something other than pain. While expanding on working hard to turn her life around, Fracassi unleashes her emotions onto listeners and lets them know that pain is a universal feeling.
The new single, "But I Do," softly begins with Sophia Fracassi's tender vocals and soothing piano melodies. As she opens the song expressing how she doesn't want to feel pain any longer, Fracassi continues describing those personal, tumultuous scenes while chilling us to the bone.
This song is truly something anyone can deeply relate to. Once we reach the hook, Fracassi belts her vocals and lets us into her personal struggles and strife. This song is the perfect anthem for those who are their own worst enemy. While Fracassi mentions therapy and wanting to make sense of the situation, she heads to the outro and fearlessly sings the pain away.
Feel the relief you've been waiting for with Sophia Fracassi's newest single, "But I Do," now available on all digital streaming platforms.

Welcome to BuzzMusic, Sophia Fracassi. We're very impressed with the amount of emotion and heart you've placed into your new single, "But I Do." When did you begin feeling an urge to release your emotions via song?
Thank you! I honestly don’t know how to write unless the contents of what I’m writing mean something to me personally. Because I have always been fairly emotionally guarded, when I began to write music seriously, it was truly this natural outpouring of the emotions I felt within myself. It’s somehow easier to create an extremely vulnerable song that hundreds of thousands of people will hear than to tell those secret thoughts to a singular individual. Writing music has always been my biggest emotional outlet, and throughout the years has made me a much softer, more open version of myself.
What was your songwriting process like for "But I Do"? Was it easy for you to transform those negative emotions into cohesive song lyrics?
I wrote “But I Do” just over a year ago. I was going through a pretty difficult patch in my mental health and was trying extremely hard to pretend everything was okay. One night, feeling particularly defeated, I sat down at the piano in my living room to play. The song just sort of spilled out of me. It was like ripping a page out of my diary. Every single insecurity and pain I was feeling inside turned into this song that sounded exactly how I felt; lonely.
Did you work with other musicians or producers to reach those cinematic and cathartic instrumentals within "But I Do?”
I wrote the lyrics, melody and piano part for this track. Then I worked with my incredible producer, Steve Molella, to mold the production around the bones of the song. We wanted it to be minimal, but intentional. Every single piece was placed strategically to make the song sonically match the lyrics. The piano line moves in continuous circles and the kick drum never stops pulsing, like a rapid heartbeat. The production builds & builds and then the song ends as quickly as it began. It sounds like anxiety, it sounds like feeling desperate, and I cry every time I listen to it.
Do you hope listeners take something away from "But I Do?” What would you want that to be?
As much as “But I Do” is about being in the trenches, it is such an important piece of my story. The song marks when I finally started to realize that accomplishment does not equal happiness and that I had to choose to get better instead of waiting for my pain to go away on its own. I hope each listener is reminded that acknowledgment is the beginning of recovery. Feel your emotions, don’t lock them away. That’s when you can finally start to move on.