Splice Sama brings forth a euphoric sense of balance on his latest release, "Turn It Up." We view Splice Sama as an artist that easily blends together low-key soundscapes with a thoroughly relaxed vocal delivery. Splice Sama is the specific kind of artist you want to be listening to if you need a chilled-out, harmonically-driven Hip/Hop experience.
Sama brings an otherworldly sensation to the product of his sound. His recent track release, "Turn It Up," fosters natural flowing energy. You can easily tell that Sama sources out unique ways to elevate his delivered verses within "Turn It Up." "Turn It Up" screams desirability, mostly due to the adventurous content Sama chooses to hone his focus on.
That low-key soundscape we mentioned before is entirely present in "Turn It Up," and each integrated beat is unravelled incredibly smoothly. That's essentially what you get with the music of Splice Sama: smooth and trill listening experiences. We highly doubt that "Turn It Up" will disappoint.
Splice Sama has indeed brought another fire single to the Hip/Hop music community, and whatever music he's up to releasing next will be immediately added to our playlists for that necessary elevated buzz.
Check out Splice Sama's latest track "Turn It Up" here.

Hey Splice Sama, and congrats on releasing "Turn It Up". What exactly do you think this release meant for you as an artist? Do you feel the creation process of the track challenged you in any new ways?
Thanks so much. This release for me was kind of a way to branch out in my style as an artist. I have a wide spectrum between Dark Sadness and Action-Packed Anthems. I thought it would be nice to break away from that and just have fun. It turns out the track is doing better than I had anticipated
What kind of vision would you say you initially crafted for "Turn It Up"? Was there an intended takeaway message you wanted your listeners to understand explicitly?
Just have fun, I guess. My vision for the song was generally towards showing my love for the majority of my fan base which is Alt. Girls and Anime nerds. I wanted to make something they’d play in their TikToks and makeup blogs. A lot of my fans like to play my music when they work out or getting down on their favorite fighting games. I love when people send me videos of them playing Dragonball Kakarot or the new My Hero game with my music bumping in the background. It makes me feel like I’m reaching the ones that matter the most.
Are there any topics you feel you currently use your platform as a music artist to elevate and shed more light on?
Honestly, the topics I touch on most are more in line with how emotionally damaged our young generation is and the roller coaster ride that comes with relationships these days. It’s getting harder for people to stay in love and I think my music speaks on that a fair amount. Outside of that, there are the occasional spouts about the magic of the universe, space and even conspiracy. I’m a demon hunter so sometimes you’ll hear a bit of story involving that and the heartbreak between higher-dimensional beings.
How do you plan to continue growing and flourishing your characterizable sound from here on out?
I am continuously being influenced by what surrounds me. I’ve been told this is a weakness of my kind because of the fact that we are such empaths. You could consider it to be of a psychic origin. Even I only know so little about my heritage. Life on Otherworld was fairly short, but that’s a story for another day.
What can we expect to see from you throughout the rest of 2020?
I have 2 new songs dropping this month. One is very much a cold dark night vibe and it’s called “RIP” It features a good friend of mine Sleepwell (Sleepy Senpai) we have several other songs together coming later in the year. The other song is quite the opposite and is very romantic. It’s definitely a summer bop with the title “4Seasons”. Of course, both of these tracks are produced by the infamous blk.MVSK. I wouldn’t have any other way.
As for music videos, expect a lot of them this year. We just recently started our own production company under blk.MVSK studios so we’re shooting and editing everything ourselves. You can catch the BTS content on my Patreon.
Lastly, I’m in the process of a collab with an awesome Anime themed indie brand called Angel T Apparel. The designer, Angel, is my personal stylist and she does a lovely job at it. Look out for that collection this coming fall.