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Spotlight: Ponderosa Grove Makes Music for Your Mood

From the mountains of Prescott, Arizona, Ponderosa Grove is a newly formed trio that has recently released their debut album titled “The Debut.” Made up of members Candace Devine, Drew Hall, and Johan Glidden, Ponderosa Grove makes a collaborative effort throughout every step of their creative process.

Ponderosa Grove is known for its instrumental versatility as they incorporate artists who specialize in anything from Saxophone to Wurlitzer. With each musician having been solo artists and members of other bands, they each find themselves inspired by past influences and experiences, making each collaborative project an unforgettable mosaic.

In a recent interview with BuzzMusic, Ponderosa Grove shares a little bit about themselves to help fans get to know their energy. A member of the band states, “we hope that if there's one takeaway in getting to know us, it's that at the very least we're not boring. We are not afraid to write music we enjoy without the worry about what genre box we fit into! We embrace our different influences. We embrace that some songs are folky while others have a dance flair. Some are more poetic, and some are anthemic. We hope you love the multi-facets as much as we do!”

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