It’s okay to feel upset sometimes.

Bringing life and energy to crowds everywhere with a sound that’s both raw and unique, pop rock band SunDown Radio has never been afraid to be their free, uninhibited artistic selves.
Formed one fateful day in Nashville in the summer of 2022, SunDown Radio is the brainchild of Egyptian brothers Moustafa (Moose) and Adham Howaidy, who perform alongside rotating players and friends when touring and playing their music.
Something that’s quickly set them apart is that each member comes from a different musical background, making SunDown’s sound an intricate mosaic of blended styles.
Drawing influence from legendary acts like Paramore, Taylor Swift, Linkin Park, Fleetwood Mac, and Metallica, SunDown Radio are, at their core, dreamers. They walk the fine balance between the spectrum of genres they utilize, capturing hearts and imaginations everywhere they go.
Following years of work, dedication, and a little artistic brilliance, they lovingly honed their skills to heights they’d never reached. The result is a catchy, comforting sound in its nostalgic tendencies and modern approach. SunDown Radio has set itself up for quite the wild ride, and their journey is just beginning.
SunDown Radio’s debut single, “Riot in Misery,” is a testament to all the blood, sweat, and tears they’ve put into their music. Featuring a raucous instrumental performance, “Riot In Misery” is a high-energy, vibrant release that channels the complicated emotions of white-hot rage, bitterness, love, and revenge.
SunDown Radio sweeps you up at their pace as they defiantly confront their former love interest with lines like “Oh no, you ain’t bringing me down” while describing the “empty promises and broken dreams” left behind. If a relationship has ever made you feel angry and bitter because of how you were treated, SunDown Radio wants you to know that you’re not alone.
SunDownRadio will help you pick up the pieces when love's got you down. Tap in and stream Sundown Radio’s explosive debut single, “Riot In Misery”, on all majour streaming platforms.