LA artist tries something new with her new release. The verdict’s in; she succeeded.
Hailing from the vibrant city of Los Angeles, singer-songwriter and multi-instrumentalist Taylor Jules has captivated audiences everywhere with her unfiltered self-expression and ability to connect and inspire listeners everywhere.
She’s embodied the meaning of resilience with her artistry, and tellingly, although she’s gone through her fair share (and more) of challenges, she refuses to let them define her. The result has been a free artistic spirit that inspires others with timeless music, and as she continues to blaze her trail across the industry brightly, we can’t wait to see how far she’ll go.
Growing up on the Westside of Los Angeles, Jules was immersed in the allure of the entertainment industry from a young age. She took the stage for the first time at just five years old, setting her on a path to share the spotlight with musical legends like Jackson Browne, Robbie Krieger, and Matt Sorum (of Guns N’ Roses).
Her musical influences, including Anne Wilson, Aretha Franklin, Allen Stone, and Carole King, have influenced her artistic direction, but Jules has forged her path. Recently, she’s opened up about her lifelong struggles with auto-immune diseases, adding another impressive layer to resilience. Jules refuses to let anything keep her down, and her indomitable spirit permeates each release she puts out.
“Adickted” is the impressive result of Jules experimenting and expanding her artistic range once again. Although Jules embraces a darker, more intelligent side of her that we’re not used to seeing, “Adickted” works as Jules taps into the psyche of a “woman scorned.” Over initially subdued instrumentals that subtly build up at times to mirror Jule’s intensity, she paints a vivid picture of the love-scarred woman.
Dropping lyrics like “once upon a time I was scared of your prickly smile and attempts to control my mind / but now I see it clear as day,” Jules completely envelops you in her soundscape and wraps you up in her story. With “Adickted,” Jules has proven her versatility and capacity to evolve and learn new things, as well as the ability to make compelling releases.
With vocals that soothe and lyrics that speak directly to the heart, Taylor Jules continues to ascend and achieve even greater mastery of her art. When you’re ready, tap in and stream Jules’s catchy new release, “Adickted,” out everywhere.
Welcome to BuzzMusic, Taylor Jules! We loved "Adickted," what an exciting switch from you! We had to ask, could you take us through the creative process for this release?
The creative process for "Adickted" differed from the last two releases. It creates an exciting change of pace and genre for me, which I always like to play around with. I love a lot of musical genres and have written songs in almost every genre, so this step felt natural to me. I wanted to branch out and show that I have more tricks up my sleeve than I'm letting on. For this process, I had a chorus from a few years back stuck in my head, so I decided to do something about it and write the rest of the song around it, whereas I usually start with a verse.
I pulled inspiration from pop and the pop/rock genres and made a hard-hitting, devious, and up-tempo tune with some rock elements. The pieces fell together nicely, and I began figuring out some chords and instruments I liked for the verses and pre-choruses. I created my story, per usual, and painted a picture of a scene through my words. I used phrases like "once upon a time" to show my progress as a character throughout the story, starting in a sub-par, far-away state and regaining my power over my own life after someone tries to ruin it. This song is about revenge, confidence, gaining strength to fight back, and maybe even enjoying it a little!
What was your favorite part of seeing your vision for "Adickted" come to life?
My favorite part of seeing "Adickted" come to life was hearing the first draft of the track. I came in with an obvious idea of how I wanted this song to sound, and the execution was better than I ever thought it could be. Hearing the chorus, all put together was a moment of relief and excitement, knowing that my vision was truly coming to light. My favorite part is how the beats, the chords, the vocals, the song's vibe, everything lined up with the ideas I heard, which is sometimes tough to execute.
It took a lot of trial and error, but the people working with me could see exactly what I wanted and help me do that! Special thank you to producer Josh Fields for understanding what I wanted and helping me realize it. I also loved seeing how my vision for the artwork came to life. I must thank my wonderful college roommate, Emerald, for inspiring and drawing up this design and making my dream a reality. Seeing the whole product, with the fantastic cartoon artwork and booming mix, was an amazing feeling and one of my favorite parts of the process.
What initially inspired you to make music, and what inspired you to keep making music today?
Initially, I was inspired to write music because I loved to sing. Music was a large part of growing up in my family, and the importance of rock history and musicality was placed above all else. Guessing each artist, band, instrument, and cultural rock significance was thrilling. I loved listening to and singing music but felt a great passion for doing it. I had participated in musical theater for a few years and had a serious love for rock and roll, so I joined the School of Rock programs for kids in music. I received terrific opportunities, voice, and instrumental lessons, and sang all over the country while still being a 12-year-old middle-schooler.
I had many amazing and unique experiences to write about and the desire to sing them all. I had been writing from a young age on my guitar, but when I started playing piano again, my writing skills and amount of songs increased dramatically. My love and passion for music and being deeply moved by songs inspired me to want to create this exceptional and personal art for myself. I tried to make others feel how these songs made me think through my writing. I continue to make and write music now because it is an outlet for me. Whenever I need to process my emotions or don't know how to say what I'm feeling, I write lyrics and poems and put them to music. It is not only greatly therapeutic for me but also allows me to be vulnerable and honest with myself and others using something I love. I can't imagine my life without singing or writing.
What's your favorite part about being a musician and releasing your music, and if your listeners could take one thing away from your music, what would you want it to be?
My favorite part of being a musician and releasing music is sharing a piece of myself. I kept my music and school lives separate for many years and always yearned for the overlap. I wanted to share these performances, venues, and travel experiences with my band with my school cohorts, but I did not want to feel ostracized. It was fun to have secret rock star life in middle school, performing at the Troubador, the Whisky a Go-Go, the Mint, and so much more. With my music today, I can finally share all the parts of myself I hid away and be proud of them. My favorite part is performing, and it always has been.
Nothing compares to the feeling of singing on a stage. I can't even begin to describe my love for it, only that I feel the same way every time I step on stage. If my listeners could take one thing away from my music, it's that if you're having trouble processing your emotions or feel like you have no one to talk to music and songwriting are amazing tools to show yourself and others how you feel. I want my listeners to feel empowered through my music and know they are not alone. Many of my songs deal with love stories that don't work out as planned, and although some are merely stories, some are not, and I want people to be able to relate to my stories and gain their power back right alongside me.
What's next for Taylor Jules? Can we expect to hear more new music soon, and is there anything you want to say to your fans?
A lot is coming up for Taylor Jules in the future. I am only just getting started! I have a few more tracks that will drop after "Adickted," and I will announce some other projects. I will say that I like to throw curveballs like this occasionally, and don't be surprised if I throw another! I love to sing all genres and extensively experiment with my songwriting, so look out for the next Taylor Jules releases!
Something I would love to say to the people listening is that you are not alone, and it may be hard to express your emotions or talk about the things that didn't go your way, but music is a great way to sort out your feelings and figure out how you're truly feeling. I want people to find comfort in our shared experiences and know that someone has gone through something similar, survived, and is now thriving.
I also want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has been listening and will listen to "Adickted." My singing dreams are coming true, and it wouldn't be possible without people willing to listen. Thank you so much for letting me live the life I always wanted and knew I was meant to have.