Alternative Rock band Ten02 is made of five members committed to creating unique, original music as well as cover songs. The Alberta-based band released their first single in 2019, and Ten02 is gearing up to release their first EP release. They have performed across Alberta opening for bands such as “Yes We Mystic” and are going to be making a name for themselves in 2020.
“No Good For Me” from Ten02’s debut EP “Songs About Girls”, is a slower alternative track that projects internal conflict of needing to let go of someone bad for you. Ten02 has a unique way of conveying the emotions in the song so that the listener feels the story along with the singer. The lead singer of Ten02 shows immense control over their voice, changing notes effortlessly between falsetto and chest voice in one smooth motion. The song is guitar-heavy, with intricate melodies woven underneath the vocals. “No Good For Me” conveys the emotions that come with knowing you must let someone go from your life. This emotional pain can often be felt as physical pain, as Ten02 refers to in the line “It burns my skin third degree”. This is just the beginning for Ten02, so be sure to keep an eye out for the rest of “Songs About Girls”.
Listen to “No Good For Me” here.

Hey Ten02, and Welcome to BuzzMusic! “No Good For Me” emotes some common but painful situations, do you use personal experience as inspiration for your music?
Our debut EP is titled “Songs About Girls” meaning they are written about past experiences with girls whether it be love, resentment, friendship, etc. Almost all of our music comes from some form of personal experience that we share as a group or even individuals that we can all connect with.
What are some things you have learned from the bands you have opened for in the past? Have their techniques or music styles had an impact on your music-making process?
A lot of what we have learned from the set bands we have opened for us how they present themselves. Whether it be how the dress, their stage presence, or the cohesion of their music as a whole, they definitely convey a certain sense of professionalism that we are working on replicating ourselves!
What brought the 5 of you together as a band? How does each of you bring something unique to the band?
The band formed in 2016 with Elijah(singer) and Josh (drummer) meeting through mutual friends who played music, forming an instant connection and wanting to jam together. 2 years later, Kaiden (lead guitar) came along after we decided we needed to fill out our sound and we met through mutual friends and open mic’s. Emma (piano) came along shortly after, having known about the band for a few years started hanging out with us and eventually became part of the group. After going through a few bassists over the years, we eventually reached out to Chase in late 2019 to fill the gap after losing our last bassist. The rest is history. We each have vastly different tastes in music ranging from rap to indie, to alt to metal and everything in between, so our music is very multi-genre, while still maintaining an identifiable sound.
What can fans expect next from you?
We plan to expand in the years to come, and feel our music might do well in other areas where pop culture is prominent. All in all, fans can expect a hardworking group of young individuals who will put their hearts and souls into making the best music they possibly can!