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Torii Wolf Leaves Us Gasping for Air With The Brilliant Release, "L i n e a r"

From New York to Los Angeles, the transcendent Artist and Singer/Songwriter Torii Wolf takes our breath away with the release of their ethereal single, "L i n e a r."

They've also released a picturesque music video for the single featuring the fluid dancer Moonlight.

One is always compelled to hear more of the sultry, sweet, dynamic, and soothing stylings of Torii Wolf, as their unique and expressive vocal abilities are enough to set her apart from the competition.

Writing from a personal and emotional place, Torii Wolf stated that they wouldn't be satisfied until their listeners feel something more profound from their music.

Regarding Torii Wolf's recent single, "L i n e a r," listeners are easily captured into the song's natural bliss and tenderness. We must note how chilling and captivating Torii Wolf's vocals are, especially in this haunting piece, as they serenade us with her poetic lyricism and floating falsetto that's easily complimented by the minimal and mesmerizing instrumentals.

Listening to "L i n e a r," the piece begins with warm piano melodies at a downtempo pace. Setting the song's soothing atmosphere right off the bat, Torii Wolf makes their appearance and starts floating over the piano melodies with their irresistible vocal stylings. As a subtle and airy kick makes a faint entrance, the song is lifted into serenity within seconds.

Continuing on the heartfelt journey, we should mention that Torii Wolf only delivers about four lines within this three-minute piece, but she offers a different delivery each time around. While creating a surreal experience for listeners to connect with, we adore each shimmering aspect of Torii Wolf's heartfelt single, "L i n e a r," as they reach out to listeners and offer a sonic helping hand.

We love the tenderness and passion you've portrayed within your single, "L i n e a r." What inspired you to create such a soothing single?

My brother Louy has just moved to Los Angeles and after sixteen years we are back together again in the same city. We have decided to create an album together and 'Linear'' is the first song off of our upcoming EP. Louy and I have been focused on cinematic placement where I feel deep emotions and minimal sound works well.

Could you take us through the creative process for "L i n e a r?" Why did you choose to keep the song so peaceful and organic in instrumentals?

In writing Linear I was dropping into the loop we are in as humans here. The repetitive experience in breathing, walking, sleeping, eating, loving, longing. We move forward and we move backward and we move side to side but we have yet to figure out how to move time backward. How is it that we move forward into something or someone "new" that feels so familiar? Our souls know bounds. I don't believe our spirits run on time. With that, time might not exist at all. energy is eternal. Familiarity and recognition are road signs through our quantum field.

Within your single "L i n e a r," you only sing about four different lines. Could you tell us what significance the song's lyricism holds?

The repetition of lyrics feels important as there are different experiences and levels of emotion behind each line sung. This is similar to how we exist. Many people can say the same line but it is the substance the feeling behind it that is its driving force. I love words I feel grateful for language while I also feel that words are only vessels for our soul's expression.

Speaking on the music video for your single "L i n e a r," what was it like working with dancer Moonlight? How did you come up with the video's serene scenes?

Creating with Moonlight has been such a profound treasure. I had just worked with Moonlight on a previous music video that my partner Kayko Tamaki had directed for the song 'Holy Ground' with another project I am a part of called Siren Siren. Moonlight was a strong part of that cast as well as the choreographer. I can feel Moonlight's passion in their flow and I felt inspired to share this record with them. I wanted Moonlight to have complete creative control in their expression. I was hoping they would sing the song back thru their own medium. Kayko had made a few suggestions in ways to film as it was done socially distanced from their home. Kayko made the edit with the beautiful footage that Moonlight had made and I couldn't be happier with how it turned out.

2020 has been a very challenging year for everyone. What has been keeping you inspired to create music? What advice can you give another artist who's finding it difficult to do so?

I have always had something of the solitary about me. I have been an insomniac most of my life. I imagine it is connected to being an HSP. I find solace in stillness. For me personally, this year has been a quiet time for me to dive deeper into my creative space. Another gift that this year has brought into the picture is a strong reminder to drop into what we connect with. it isn't too late to start today. Where there is life there is hope. This year has been confronting in many ways and I feel inspired to keep leaning into myself and who I am and not what others think that should be.

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