Welcome back to BuzzMusic! For those who don’t know, how would you describe your sound and your approach to music?
Trickshooter Social Club has always had two things coursing through our DNA: Honesty and authenticity. Our sound reflects that and the influences that helped shape us. Like Tom Petty, Black Keys, Social Distortion, Steve Earle and early Wilco.
Can you tell us more about your project “American Experiment”? What does the release of this album represent for you?
American Experiment tried to capture the blunt force beauty and casual tragedy of now - the grace, the shame, the fragility and the strength of the American Experiment we are living in 2019. Tragic and hopeful. New and familiar. American Experiment endeavors to contribute to the conversation. Marking where we are as a country and as a band.
What was it like working with Jon Zacks at Chicago Recording Company?
Jon was a true collaborator in every sense, not to mention a tireless, meticulous worker. He quickly got what we were trying to go for and not only was able to help us craft it, but had a seemingly infinite amount of ideas to help get us there.
What track on the album would you say is the most personal? Why?
There’s such a vulnerability and intimacy to Carry Me Home that really hits home. It’s about being lost and disconnected and the struggle of finding your way back to where you came from-not to mention regaining the sense of one’s self.
How does the songwriting and recording process compare to live performance for you?
The one thing that is a constant in Trickshooter Social Club is our energy. So the same jumping, running, screaming and sweating that you see onstage is happening in the studio and in our practice space.
What do you hope to achieve as a group through the end of 2019?
We’re going to continue to play shows in Chicago, the Midwest and NY and LA. We have two video concepts we’re going to film. And writing is always a priority for us. So as we head into the cold, winter months, we’re going to start recording our 4th full-length album.
Give a listen to the latest music by the band here, and stay connected with Trickshooter Social Club, and the latest on their music via their Instagram!