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Tripper And The Wild Things Released Their Exciting Single, “Caramel”

The 4 piece indie rock group from Hamilton, Ontario, Tripper and The Wild Things are coming in full effect! They released their single “Caramel” and it instantly began with a progressive rock and smashing introduction. The energy begins eclectic and the delivery becomes electric! However, we’re still maintaining sanity due to the melodic lyricism from the vocalist. This soft-rock arrangement was great for exuding positive energy into its listener. If you felt dull prior to listening to “Caramel”, that completely changes. You’ve been transformed into a whole different mood and you’re thankful for it. It’s like the refreshing song we didn’t know we needed. I can picture myself peacefully shopping in a retail store while “Caramel” plays in the background, enhancing my experience at the specific store. It’s completely fitting for adding emphasis on everything we do. It’s great for a car ride, it’s great for a lonely listen, and it’s even great to jam out to with friends. “Caramel” is overall an exciting song that had us grasped to its fullest extent!

Check out "Caramel" here and read more below in our exclusive interview!

Welcome to BuzzMusic Tripper And The Wild Things! How did you form? What’s the history behind the catchy band name?

Thank you, we formed from other projects out of high school, Josh (guitar and vocals) and Eric (bass/guitar) have been writing music for a couple years now and we finally decided to do something with it. Tripper and the Wild Things is kinf of a mashup between Bill Murray's character in the movie Meatballs and the kids book Where the Wild Things are

Who would you consider some influences or inspirations for your style and sound?

Biggest influences for us would probably just be anything throwback to early 70s rock and 90s rock, specifically from the 90's Weezer, Nirvana, the Pixies, stuff like that

How would you detail the lyrical meaning behind “Caramel”?

It's just about having a warm feeling and feeling on top of the world and just living an endless summer, kind of a throwback to being off school ready to take on the summer.

In what ways was the creation of “Caramel” challenging?

I think the hardest part of getting the whole project together was finding the time. When you get older and you have other things in the way it becomes almost impossible to find the time, but we finally made it happen.

Tell us what’s next for you guys!?

Any exciting upcoming shows? We are hopefully going to be lining up some shows to end out the summer, and then our full length self titled album will be released in the fall.


Keep up with Tripper and The Wild Things through their socials!



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