Tyler Allred is an artist who was originally from Battle Creek, Michigan. He landed in California in 2017 with only his crumbling guitar and a few cigarettes. He overcame his addiction and emerged reborn; with a new lease on life and a clutch of heartbreakingly authentic songs that stop people in their tracks.
The opening of this beautifully orchestrated EP that goes by the name of “Everything Is Fine” was the melodic record “Upside of Being Down” and this began with a nicely stringed acoustic guitar that helped curate the indie-alternative vibe of the record. “Upside Of Being Down” has this hazy and atmospheric production that places you in the mood for travelling and new experiences.
This was a great initiation to the EP to have you ready to explore the depths of the project and long for what’s next. Well, what’s next is the addicting melody of “What’s the Move.” For me, Tyler’s alluring and captivating voice shines through this record. “What’s the Move” was so organically done it felt almost natural, helping me enjoy the record way more. “What’s the Move” had the most fulfilling energy that radiated through me so well. “Upside of Being Down” was a gorgeous and detailed record we couldn’t help but love.
Up next is “Everything Is Fine,” the name of the EP. I went into this track with high expectations as I believed that this would be the highlighting theme of the project! My expectations were more than met; they were exceeded past.
While listening to “Everything Is Fine,” I grasped the idea of heartbreak, disappointment, and melancholy being the themes of this album while also promoting a sense of acceptance and relief. It was an interesting concept due to the delivery of the records. Instead of singing in a sad, more depressing manner, Tyler Allred, sings in a passionate demeanour that really articulates the message of the songs.
“See You Around” felt as if the journey was ending. It was the “Goodbye, see you another time” farewell record to not only the listener but contextually to the emotions he felt while writing this EP. It was super intriguing while the gloomy atmosphere remained intact.
The transporting record takes you through 4 different corners of melancholic emotions. Tyler Allred is more than a singer, but he’s a storyteller as well. “Everything Is Fine” is a record that could skyrocket the career of Tyler into another dimension! A vocally skilled artist with beautiful usage of his pen, Tyler Allred has a bright future ahead of him.
Listen to “Everything Is Fine” here.

Although he doesn’t need quite an introduction, Welcome Tyler Allred to Buzzmusic! You have a compelling background story and experienced various trials and tribulations that you overcame! What was the biggest lesson you’ve learned from it all so far? And how do you incorporate it into your music?
Well, I’ve learned a lot from my experience of life thus far. I think the most noteworthy thing to me is to remember that no matter how bad things get or how bleak the future seems, to never give up on yourself or your dreams. Having just a little bit of hope and not letting go of it really saved my life and got me to where I am now. I think any given person is capable of so much more than they can imagine if they keep going. I’ve never thought much about incorporating these themes into my songs. I suppose it just happens when I’m writing from an honest place.
“Everything Is Fine” was absolutely beautiful. What was the major theme behind this project?
Well the title track to “Everything Is Fine” is kind of about saying, “I’m fine. Everything is good.” When clearly my world was burning down around me. I wrote that song in a hospital if that helps with a little bit of context. It was also a confession, like, “yeah you caught me. I need help.” As for a theme to the whole e.p. I suppose I’d have to say something along the lines of transformation, Hope, despair, honesty and also just writing songs I want to listen to myself. Half of the e.p. was written like 2014 to 2015 (Everything/Upside) and the other half in 2018 (See you around/What’s the move) after moving to California and changing my life pretty drastically.
What emotion did you channel in the most while writing these songs?
I’d like to think overall, it was about being honest with myself.
Although all 4 tracks were beautifully arranged and performed, which do you personally feel impacts you the most?
"Everything Is Fine” and “Upside Of Down” were both written during some of the hardest times of my life, but “Upside of being down” was the song that when I wrote it and when I would sing it, I would literally think about how it’s fine cause one day this will end and I’ll be in L.A. making music somehow. I ended up in Palm Springs, Ca, and by a chance encounter, I met Kris Trindl. I played him “Upside” and that was the song that convinced Kris to produce this e.p. which directly led to everything else that has happened in my music career, including moving to L.A.
You seem like you have your artistry down pact! Could we expect an album from you soon?
I have actually just (pretty much) completed writing my first full-length; I plan to begin recording it as soon as possible.