Volatile Shae is a rising star in the rap world, hailing from Dallas, Texas. Before his music career took off, Shae served in the United States Marine Corps for five years. He faced adversity growing up in a poor and unstable environment. However, Shae found solace in the culture of Hip-Hop and quickly became inspired and influenced by some of the greatest MCs in history. He started writing and improving his craft, becoming one of the most unique and lyrically gifted artists to hit the scene.
Shae's latest release, "Different," showcases his rapper and music producer talent. The song's lyrics are raw and unapologetic, filled with clever wordplay and metaphors that highlight Shae's lyrical prowess, and the beat is heavy and hard-hitting, setting the perfect backdrop for Shae's flow.
In the opening verse, Shae confidently declares that he is a force to be reckoned with. He calls out his competition, asserting they are not ready for what he has to offer. He also emphasizes that he is always evolving and never predictable, making him a standout in the rap game.
The pre-hook and hook of "Different" further reinforce Shae's unique persona. He repeats the phrase "I'm just different, u-u unique" multiple times, driving home the point that he is not like other rappers. In the hook, he dismisses his competition as clowns with weak styles. Shae embraces his individuality and emphasizes that it makes him stand out from the crowd.
The second verse of "Different" sees Shae ramping up his confidence even more. He declares that he's up for any challenge and will come out on top, no matter what. He also showcases his ability to deliver clever rhymes effortlessly. In the break, he warns his listeners that they'll be left behind if they miss his class.
Overall, "Different" is a strong release from Volatile Shae. It showcases his unique voice in the rap genre, with confident lyrics and hard-hitting beats. Shae's rapper and music producer talent is on full display in this track. Fans of rap music looking for something different and fresh will find a lot to love in "Different."
Look out for this one everywhere.
Welcome to BuzzMusic Volatile Shae. Props to your latest banger with "Different." What inspired you to write "Different," and how did your experiences growing up influence the lyrics and message of the song?
Thank you. The main thing that inspired me to write "DIFFERENT" was that I kept seeing and hearing the same sound, attitude, personality, and style. Nobody had any unique quality to them or any real type of lyrical skill, and it frustrates me because I put a lot of time and effort into my music. This wasn't a decision I just woke up one day and decided to make. I've been working towards this pretty much my whole life. Music and writing were my only outlets growing up. So music means a lot to me, and I take it very seriously. This is what I want to do with my life, and the people I'm seeing, to me, are like the kids that trace a picture and hold it up saying, "look what I made," like you didn't make shit and there are so many of them that it makes it harder for real artists to shine through all the gunk.
The line "Rap is my superpower, I will defeat all you cowards" in the song suggests that you view rap as a powerful tool for self-expression and empowerment. Can you elaborate on how you see rap music contributing to social change?
I believe that writing and music are extremely powerful no matter what form. Whether through rap, pop, rock or just a book. It's all about your connection with that song or piece of literature. What you derive from it and how it influences you. That matters, but it's all based on your experiences and the factors that have influenced you. I could make a song about creating a secular humanist society, but that doesn't mean it will make a difference. People need to be willing to accept change and growth; it can't be forced.
In the second verse of "Different," you reference wanting to reach the top charts but suggest it's difficult without compromising your authenticity. How important is staying true to your artistic vision, and how do you balance commercial success with creative integrity?
It's very important for me to stay true to myself and who I am. Because this music is like therapy to me, I'm not making music to make music. This is how I express myself. If I sacrifice any part of my creative freedom, then I've sacrificed part of myself, and the last thing I want to do is become another puppet of the music industry. I'll continue writing and creating music even if I don't make a dime.
You're not only a rapper but also a music producer. How does your experience producing music affect your approach to creating lyrics and composing songs?
Sometimes it can be challenging to create an instrumental because I'm mostly a lyricist. I've only been producing for a couple of years. So my mind gets distracted and wants to focus on the lyrical aspect rather than the producing one.
Your song "Different" lyrics suggest you take inspiration from various hip-hop artists. Who would you say has impacted your style most, and why?
The person with the biggest impact on my style, hands down, would have to be Eminem. I've been listening to his music since I was in elementary school. His music connected with me in a big way. I experienced and went through many similar situations as he did, and through him, I became influenced by various other rappers.
In "Different," you mention the difficulty of reaching the top charts in the music industry. How do you measure success as an artist, and what goals do you hope to achieve with your music in the future?
I believe success as an artist is connecting people to your art and reaching as many people as you can, and that's exactly what I want to do. My goal is to be regarded as one of my generation's top lyricists and earn my peers' respect.