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We're Feeling Easy and Breezy By the Music of Austin David

California singer Austin David is back on BuzzMusic, and this time we're highlighting the artist's persona, and what he's all about music-wise. Austin David maintains a cool and collected vibrancy, offering a time for listeners to just sit back and take a deep breath. The importance that music has in Austin David's music shows, and you're able to see this in the pure quality and confidence embedded into his sound. Everything is arranged in the perfect sort of way, and the ultimate harmony of Austin David is cordial. 

One of Austin David's recent single, "Zuma", honed in on those tranquil qualities intrinsic to his sound, and he brought fresh and invigorating impressions to the pop music scene. "Zuma" felt easygoing, offering us a laidback and positive environment to absorb in. The sultry appeal of Austin David's voice is present in many of his songs, and it's an attractive element that stimulates listeners. He comes off as lax, accepting anything that comes his way, and he offers times of relief through the imparted atmosphere of his music. At the end of the day, we feel enlightened by Austin David and his buoyant sound. For his future music, we know that Austin David is wanting to continue to augment his sound, and so listeners can expect the continued strengthening of Austin David's style.

Listen to Austin David on Spotify.



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