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Xori Amar’s “Butterflies” Emits Flying Colors

Writer's picture: BUZZ LABUZZ LA

Known for his well-crafted poetry throughout high school and now making a name for himself with his first releases, we can see that Xori Amar is not just a rapper but an artist that brings us something of beauty and value. The genius minds of Pablo Picasso and Salvador Dali have made their impact on Xori’s art, as well as many artists in the music realm such as Drake, Travis Scott, and Big Sean. Xori Amar is signed to Hourglass Management + Entertainment and continues to create music straight from the soul. His new single, “Butterflies,” brought us good vibes and vibrant colors.

Xori Amar’s single, “Butterflies,” opens with an arpeggiated melody, which provided a fluttering feeling and matched perfectly with the theme of the song. Xori then hits us with a hip hop beat that has high energy, and we instantly felt it in our bones. For just over two minutes, This song takes you away from reality and into a world of color and warmth. Xori raps with grace on every lyric. His voice is punchy yet delicate, like the wings of a butterfly. Combining his rap style with other elements like bouncy hi-hats, punchy kick drums, and smooth piano textures bring us to the conclusion that Xori Amar has his music all figured out. You will regret to miss his new single, “Butterflies.”

Discover “Butterflies” here.

Hello Xori Amar! Welcome to BuzzMusic! We hear that you were known for your poetry and creation of art in middle school and high school. Is poetry what first sparked your interest in becoming an artist? How did you fall on the path of a being musician?

In a lot of ways, I feel like my path to becoming an artist was a process that was manifesting over the course of my life. I’ve always had a deep adoration for music; for the way it made people feel, the power music holds. Growing up with music always being played in the house + in the car, I constantly found myself humming + singing my own melodies which led me to join the chorus from middle through high school. 

After being in the chorus for years with a lack of creative freedom, I felt like I needed another outlet for creative expression, which led me to poetry/spoken word. I came to the realization that I had a talent for bringing words to life + evoking emotions in people through storytelling. Poetry turned into me trying to write poetic verses, which turned into me playfully freestyling over YouTube instrumentals after school with friends. 

With my passion for music, a talent for poetry, and encouragement from a few close friends, I finally gave in to my curiosity of making music and sought out people that I knew could point me in the right direction on how to start + that’s when I began to teach myself the basics of recording.

Your song “Butterflies” is so catchy. Do you typically have a process for creating your music? Or is this unique to each song you write?

Writing songs can be such a random process sometimes. Some days, I’ll be showering while listening to beats + a melody or hook will just pop in my head + then boom, song. 

Other times, it’s more structured where I find a beat that catches my attention + evokes an emotion that takes me to a specific situation + I will write up a scenario/story/emotions that I’m trying to convey + use that as my inspo to write the song itself. 

What was the inspiration behind your song “Butterflies”, specifically? What was it like bringing this song to life in the studio?

I actually heard the “Butterflies” beat the night before my studio session to record +  it immediately put me in mind of a slowed down, less aggressive version of “The Flight of the Bumblebee” which was composed with the intent to musically convey the chaos + fast-paced flight of a bee. 

The intro reminded me of the beauty + majestic essence that butterflies fly with, which led to the classic metaphor of a crush giving me “butterflies” + from there, I stayed up late to write the song in full while I was still in my creative zone. Before I recorded, I knew that I had something with potential, but things just came together really seamlessly while in the booth working with my engineer. I feel like I had some of the most fun I’ve ever had when bringing that song to life. 

Do you have any big goals you would like to reach within your musical career? Are these goals being worked on or put into place currently?

I want my music to be known + respected globally, but at the core of what I do, I just want my music to bring people together, change lives + have a positive impact on the world. I want to have the opportunity to work with + have the respect of my music idols + I will be incredibly humbled when I see the day that I perform at a venue + people are screaming lyrics that I put my heart into writing.

What's next for you?

Me + my brother is dropping a collab single titled “Crazy” the first week of July, but quarantine has given me the time + headspace needed to further my development as an artist + create a lot of music that I am extremely proud of. The rest of 2020 is going to be busy. You can definitely expect a lot more new stuff from me in the second half of this year. 


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