If you’re not familiar with the original version of ‘Feel Alright’ by Thrift, it’s a rhythmic alternative track with base lines full of deep funk, grungy guitars and eccentric vocals. Now enter the remix by IWIL who has transformed the ‘Feel Alright’ genre from Alternative to a Nu-disco, Electro Dance track. The deep funky base has been replaced with rich, electric keys with intersecting synths. The eccentric vocals have been made even more idiosyncratic with muffled and echoing effects; the kink level has been elevated! IWIL pays close attention to detail on the remixed ‘Feel Alright’, accentuating and layering sound over sound, creating a diverse sound scape. Sounds can fade, echo, build up and together the accumulating energy amounts to a sweet release similar to an eruption.
Will Martins, originally from Brazil now calls Los Angeles home where he works as a film composer and music producer. Will received certification in Audio and Acoustics at the Audio and Video Institute in São Paulo, Brazil. Clearly an ear for sound, Martins is also a talented multi-instrumentalist that has created multiple commercial scores and produced music as an electronic artist. With his strong passion for dance music and ideas that break the mold, Will produced and released his project "IWIL" debuting his EP, ‘Gestalt’ on May of 2018. ‘Feel Alright’ the remix is available for streaming now. Hit the link to this groovy track TODAY!
Listen to "Feel Alright" here!

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