Angel Dweh, also going by the nickname Afro-Prince, aims to draw in listeners with his captivating culture and mix of contemporary music. Combining the alluring Afropop genre with other genres such as modern R&B, Angel Dweh creates a sound that will have all ages dancing along. His latest single “Kokona” is the perfect example of how dynamic and feel-good Angel’s music is, with elements that everyone can enjoy. He reminds people to have fun and enjoy the simplicities of music and dancing. The creative beats and groovy rhythms draw in the listener, and Angel’s endearing vocals create the perfect Afropop and modern mix.
Angel aims to stay true to his Liberian root and character, surrounding himself with positive energy and people to inspire him. Being a college student, Angel skillfully balances studies and music, showing his determined and hardworking character. With his shining personality and expressive music, Angel Dweh shows much potential as an artist, and will undoubtedly uplift the spirits of those who listen.
Check out our recent interview with Angel Dweh here.