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Artist Spotlight: Georgia Feroce Will Hook You with her Candid Lyricism

Hailing from Los Angeles, California, Georgia Feroce is a blossoming Singer and Songwriter who has recently been making waves in the alternative-rock world.

With a flair of 90s alt, Feroce hooks her fans with catchy melodies, spunky soundscapes, and mindful lyrics. If there was one word that could be used to describe Georgia Feroce’s lyricism, that word would certainly be “relatable.” She exposes herself to become truly vulnerable as she shares her deepest fears and life’s questions with her audience.

The beauty in her lyrics is the fact that she brings attention to the types of thoughts that many of us experience, but don’t often share with others. By creating an honest and open-hearted atmosphere, Georgia Feroce is able to connect with her fans emotionally as she guides them to a point where they can connect with themselves. As her catchy hooks continue to reel in more fans, Feroce’s audience eagerly awaits her next release.

Check out our recent interview with Georgia Feroce here.


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