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CincoTheWolf Is Coming Through Guns-Blazing With “Rodeo”

Currently living in Phoenix, Arizona it could be quite difficult for an artist to gain some buzz. For 24-year-old CincoTheWolf, he’s originated from a place where hip-hop is present. Crenshaw district of Los Angeles, California. Cinco began taking music seriously for about 2 years now and released his first EP titled “PRE” in the later parts of 2018. His musical influences? Well, they range from various artists including Outkast, Tony Toni Tone, Nelly & Michael Jackson. He likes to portray real-life experiences through music with his deep and relaxed vocal tones.

CincoTheWolf released his single titled “RODEO”. The most notable element in this record would have to undeniably be the articulation of each punchline and the way he still delivered melodies that coexisted with the arrangement of the production. This well-polished single had multiple variations and transitions in tempo that can transform the mood of anybodies. The lyrics were playful yet still had an interesting metaphorical meaning that caused us to be invested with what the possible theme of this song could be. The beat was banging, adding a club-like dimension to the song. Although, “Rodeo” isn’t your typical clubbing hit, it still remained fruitful for a nice vibe to catch. This catchy song will have you fully invested into the artistry of CincoTheWolf and what he could possibly offer us next?

Check out "Rodeo" here and read more below in our exclusive interview!

Thank you for sharing your music with us CincoTheWolf! Knowing that the music scene isn’t that heavy in the Arizona area, what are some main challenges you’ve faced in your career and in what ways do you overcome these?

Crazy thing is the music scene in AZ is very well alive and active just doesn’t have that main stream notice YET at least, the biggest challenge in the AZ music scene for I and those alike I believe would be expanding our overall fanbase in the state. In AZ its very close, with pockets of tight knit clubs featuring a couple artist as the nucleus, but don’t get me wrong when I say everybody knows everybody, many of these artists and their fans have known each other since childhood or just through the community. Along with it all and the immediate support from peers, comes major egos, I’ve run into artist alike in the grocery store, gym, just regular places (cause most likely indie artist are “regular people” with 9 to 5s) and dudes will treat me like I’m the groupie and they are Drake not even knowing I probably have a larger fanbase and make actual revenue off my music, and these will be people living less than a 20 miles radius away from I and others, the animosity between creatives is horrible, there is this sense of “I already made it” when everyone outside of AZ knows that isn’t the case for our HIPHOP scene, instead of coming together to actually put the state on the map hopefully mirroring what areas like Atlanta and Texas have done with their teamwork. Overall genuine fans in AZ are tough to come by just because they may be a major one-sided supporter already of one artist or even doing it themselves, many times someone will approach me as a listener but end up being almost a rep for a local artist then the convo turns quickly into “have you heard or you should collab with” not much is ever genuine. To overcome it I just continue to move with positivity I’ll take the time to reach out to those alike I have visions of working with and who’s music I’ve listened to and do enjoy, networking on the nightlife, but weekends in AZ can be very unorganized with events happening around the same days and times, I protect my energy and only “show love” to those who show it either first or back regularly, usually mixed singles is a “No or I’m not serious” so I capitalize on building relationships with those who only want to build just as bad and you can pick up that vibe the first few minutes of a call, direct messages, or in person cause as mentioned AZ is small everyone knows everyone you’ll for sure run into a local artist at the Circle K or featured concert that weekend, it makes the creativity process much more fun and easier to get down to business and just make music.

Let’s talk about your first EP, “PRE”. were you able to find your niche as an artist through this project?

In my opinion, nah definitely not did not find a niche within anything, PRE was just that the “pre-game” to the real show. My motto is to Evolve. “PRE” literally is short for “pre-evolution” among other things. Everyday is a new level to be obtained to get to the perfect overall form of myself and my music. I just recently hoped off the college basketball courts when I decided to really take music serious and go record basically saved notes I had for years, I found out a lot about my voice and how to work the different sounds I cold create from my chest to throat, my output of what I think is high energy is comprehended as low by most unless I outright scream on a track my style on PRE was dark, low, searching, undefined but there. My lyrics aren’t clean and I like it that way, it’s my language, it’s how I would talk to my friends/family about my experiences I go through, no filter just being me, Cinco always telling story about some girl or what happened out of town on a trip, that’s always me. I did find out through the EP, that I can write, I write all my own music and every lyiric I can tell a listener who it is about or the situation in my life where it took place, I write everything down to every adlib.

My life as a bachelor is the epitome of “PRE” it centrals around multiple women of course, sex, inner thoughts I was having while in relationships, just complete overall honesty in my music. Nothing is made up or added in, every line I can pull and describe where in my life I got this from. Lastly anime, I think anime has a lot more substance than live tv, it can be written very well and many times I find clarity in anime episodes where main characters often seem to overcome a major hardship, I use anime to relate back to my love life, helps with similes and metaphors and then also keeps my mind youthful and energized with the constant action and plot developments, anime is my hidden secret gem to defeat writers block.

In what ways have your music changed since your first releases?

I released a freestyle (No Lookin Back) after “PRE” first to show people I could rap on the spot not just write, though my two latest singles “Multiply” and “Rodeo” I feel are major level ups from anything on “PRE”, Multiply showed that I wasn’t just messing around and can continue on with the conscious bars, people have a perspective on me that I’m quiet, shy, and maybe even a nerd, cause of the anime ? I take pride in the line by Lil Wayne “real G’s move in silence like lasagna” [ I’m not really trying to prove my stripes to AZ because they exist on ME, I’m originally from Los Angeles, California and am very connected to my family and culture there. Things not within my control brought me to Phoenix and have kept me out here but I’ve grown to appreciate the state, though I did want to portray that I’m a bonafide, hustler, mogul, entrepreneur that knows both sides of every game through Multiply. Rodeo is my true LOVE, I wanted to make a bouncier song for my listeners their opinion is very important to me, I mainly took it out the stash and dropped it to capitalize on the country rap epidemic that seems to be happening right now e.g. Meg Thee Stallion, Tyga, YG, and LilNasX I actually have two more along the country rap style ready to go whenever. I felt Rodeo was so different as far as my energy output and mastering my own singing plus it still featured much of my originality with the anime pun lyrics “Gimmie yo guts I go Berserk”(Guts is a main character from the anime Berserk) “I choose you to make it Squirt” ( Pokémon analogy choosing Squirtle the water type character or liking a certain girl cause of her sexual experiences we’ve had.) Personally, felt like I attacked the chorus just how Intended approaching it deep and widening my “singing” range on the mic with more enrgy than I’ve ever shown on those adlibs. It was the perfect song to drop headed into this summer then the AZ western vibes out here just added to it I really plan to see this song blow up before 2019 is over NO CAP I think its that good and I really critic myself hard.

What’s the theme behind “Rodeo”? We loved this song! In what ways does it reflect you as an artist?

I had Rodeo written in pieces since June of 2018 I had been writing new music for after PRE, before even releasing PRE lol. I had been on a Young Thug ‘Beautiful Thugger Girls’ binge at the time (he is one of my favorite artist and I’m really fond of the tape especially the songs featuring artist Millie Go Lightly) and just kept saying to myself and my engineer/ partner in a crime ‘Caprice’ (twitter @capricegotti) “we should try some country sounds in my music”, right after saying that Nelly-E.I came on the radio, I’m a huge Nelly fan literally grew up to all his music even owned the SWEAT/SUIT tape when I was like 6 years old played it day and night ! It inspired me so much to really attempt a country / rap song. Then I came in touch with producer Aaron Tago who produced several songs for artist NBA YoungBoy, JayDaYoungan, and most recently Yg & DaBaby (Stop Snitchin) record. Right away I noticed this beat with Number 5 from Kids Next Door one of my favorite cartoons as a kid and one of the influences for my name “Cinco” located on the thumbnail, when it started I just kept saying “ She go wild and riding it like a Rodeo” and from there I kept adding onto it, working on my delivery knowing I wasn’t going to provide an airy energetic vocal I stuck with my deeper voice and just practiced the adlibs almost more than anything adding that light energy in the back to compliment my deep voice.

What’s next for you CincoTheWolf?

I’m working on visuals for Multiply and Rodeo to go along with my upcoming album titled “Everyday Is Friday” planning to be released August of this year, I’m very excited about how it has come together I’m bringing cleaner production, more professional styled music with that mainstream quality of bounce to it because its important to have plus that is the goal to breakout of the underground in AZ and transition into the pop mainstream. I didn’t stray away from PRE too much though I decided to stick to my lane and provide those down to Earth songs where the lyrics provide that substance around everything I’ve been on; women, sex, relationships, sense of searching for more. I also put together my own show “Power to the People” that will be July 6th here in Mesa, AZ at the ‘Nile Theater’ featuring some of AZ’s best upcoming artist like NVXH(NASH), Snotty, MxGriff, King Emmitt, KTtheIntellect and being hosted by Jalopy Bungus. That will be on July 6th and should be a great turnout for everyone, it will be a chance to preview some of my new music, plus bring to attention those past songs (iDKiDGi, inHerState, ICFWUNM, Work3x) people may have not really picked up on from “Pre”. As of right now I have been working on video treatments to both songs Multiply and Rodeo along with several unreleased tracks hoping to drop videos for those this month as well as lining up some shows out of the state through out 2019 to develop that fan base. I also plan to continue my fitness modeling having worked with Reebok and Penn hoping to get more into that lane, as well as acting to help reach more people and network with creatives alike. I’m constantly brainstorming, creating and pushing for what I really think I deserve. I'm working on a cover to Bryson Tillers Canceled along with some local features, just plan to see Cinco on those billboard charts very soon and in a city near you !


Stay connected to CinoTheWolf on social media!



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