Circadian Clock is a 4 piece rock band originally formed by frontwoman Melissa ‘Beethoven’ in 2008 and relaunched in 2014. They played at various venues getting as much experience as possible when it comes to performing. We listened to Circadian’s Clock single titled “Summer” and we were in love with the melodies and extravagant guitar chords that were delivered in this record. Not only did Circadian Clock give us a riveting arrangement from the piercing guitar to the smashing drums, but the vocals also floated across the instrumentation so smoothly that it felt almost effortless. The way the vocalist had the ability to keep her voice in this smooth-sailing high pitch tone without a single sign of strain or struggle with maneuvering through her register demonstrates a lot of professionalism and high caliber of skill. Circadian Clock is an electrifying band who knows how to amaze you with immensely projecting a bold and radiant performance that will serve as memorable for you as a listener. As unique as their stage name, Circadian Clock knows how to cultivate the entire listener into their music by their invigorating presence. Although Summer may be over, They are surely keeping the season alive with this trail-blazing new hit!
Listen to "Summer" here
Welcome to BuzzMusic Circadian Clock!
Mel: Thanks for having us!
How has the journey been for you so far?
Mikie: The musical journey is emotionally challenging and inspiring all at the same time. I enjoy it the most when we get to see people enjoy our music as much as we do.
Mel: Yes, completely. People tell you it'll be a difficult journey which you think you'll be prepared for, but it always finds ways to surprise you, good and bad. But it's worth it - making music you're proud of with people you love is pretty much my favorite feeling.
What has been the most monumental moment of your career that you think helped refreshed your “Why”?
Mel: For me personally, the experience I had to perform at SXSW in March accompanying Taimane (who you should absolutely check out if you haven't) was a major catalyst for me - I had always been pursuing music, but seeing how hard everyone there was working to not let fear and anxiety stop them from manifesting what they really wanted, committing completely in ways that seemed so brave and out of reach to me just a week prior but now seemed attainable, only affirmed what I wanted to do and how badly I wanted to do it. I quit my job as a recording studio manager, and have dedicated my focus to playing music/improving all my skills, and laying the foundations for the best future for ourselves as we can, and I've never been happier.
Let’s talk about your piercing music! What was the vibe you were seeking to create with “Summer”?
Mel: I wanted to capture the intoxicating, fun feeling of summer love and flings, while also capturing the feeling that accompanies nostalgically looking back at it after it's over. A lot of our music is of a heavier nature, so sonically we wanted something that was a little more fun and light.
Mikie: The vibe for bass line summer was inspired by the energy of Flea's playing from RHCP.
Ari: I was on a ship doing a Rock Of Ages run during the production of the song, so I can’t really speak to it, except that I recorded guitar before leaving and through the power of modern technology we brought all the separate parts together to create the single.
Mel: After everybody recorded their parts separately, I ended up sitting with it for a while, and pieced together elements, added a violin solo and changed some production/structure notes at the suggestion of JJ French from Twisted Sister. I showed him what I thought would be my final version of the track, and he rated it a 3/10 without those elements - which made me lose my mind for half a second I'm not gonna lie, but after a while, he said plainly 'If you feel like I'm wrong, and you're completely satisfied with the track as it is, then leave it. However, if what I said bothered you for the reason that any part of you agrees, then you should probably change those things'. In my mind at that point, I was totally done with the track, BUT I did agree with his advice, so I made those last changes and finished it off. It seemed a little tough at the time, but in retrospect, it's exactly what was needed and I'm grateful.
What helped inspired you to write this piece? Any specific events, environmental sight-seeing, or experiences that motivated the lyricism behind “Summer”?
Mel: I actually wrote the song in winter right before Christmas, I kind of just happened to be thinking up a riff at the same time I was reflecting on the fact that I usually fall for people at the beginning of summer, and the ideas merged. I added in the Porgy and Bess element to it because I love Porgy and Bess, and didn't feel like I could write a song about the summertime without acknowledging that classic.
What would you consider the most challenging aspect you had to overcome when releasing this single?
Mel: Deciding when it was done/when it was 'good enough', and by what standard. But it was a great learning experience trying to make a track more overtime both in and out of the studio, which allowed everyone to collaborate/explore and let the track breathe, which I think gives it its unique flavor.
What can we expect to hear next from you?
Mel: Hopefully following this next release, a few more upbeat optimistic songs, honestly - I've spent a lot of time being sad, and we'll no doubt still express that, but this last year has been so wonderful that I don't really feel/hold on to a lot of that darkness or anger anymore, and I wanna celebrate that happiness and joy. It's been a long time coming, damn!
Check out Circadian Clock's live show in New York on11/12 @ The Bowery Electric opening for national acts 'Royal Bliss' and 'Disturbed Furniture'.