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From Schools to Stages, Sole Purpose Advances With Latest Single “Scholarship”

Coming from the south-east side of London is the artist Sole Purpose. Music has been a major factor in his life at a young age. Once just a hobby, music is now seen by Sole Purpose in a more serious context. Sole Purpose knew music was a way to passionately express himself, but, with his newfound mindset, he now records all of his songs and releases them on streaming platforms. Sole Purpose is known to create hip-hop music, however, his latest single “Scholarship”, has more of an afrobeat style to it. Nonetheless, the song “Scholarship” still reflects the Sole Purpose’s newly discovered musical skills.

Starting off with a grooving drum line, “Scholarship” immediately sets the tone of a warm vibe and upbeat motion. Listeners can also hear a marimba-like instrument gentle playing in the background; too add to the warmness of the track.  Sole Purpose then comes in with his wild flow, and “Scholarship” begins to come together.

The track builds up with more marimba like instruments and really brings in that afrobeat style to the song.  Sole Purpose continues to hit us with some unique flows as he talks about not liking school, and how he never wanted to be there.  It makes me feel like school is ending; adding more to that summer vibe.  “Scholarship” does an amazing job of making the listener feel as if it is summertime and everything is great while being a totally unique musical track.

Hi, Sole Purpose! Welcome to BuzzMusic, we are more than happy to be representing you and your latest single “Scholarship”!  Mention to us before, you had said that an incident in your life had changed your output on music.  Is there any way we could know a little about that story (If you are comfortable telling it)?  Was it someone’s opinion that changed you?

I started taking music more seriously after an altercation that left me needing surgery, as it makes you realize life’s too short not to pursue something you love doing.

The Hip-hop scene in London right now is catching the eyes of a lot of people in the world right now.  Being part of that sector, what is one thing you can tell us that is overplayed in the London Hip-hop scene and how do you avoid it in your music?

The London and UK rap scene as a whole has progressed to a global level in the last couple of years, you can take positives and negatives from anything in life including music but I make music that I want to listen to and that I enjoy writing to but keeping it true to me.

We see that you have written many songs over not just only hip-hop, but some afro-beats as well.  What would you say is your most favorite out of the two genres, or which do you find the easiest to record on?

I enjoy writing to various different types of rap genres, I am versatile and try to make every song on a different style beat than the one before. When I listen to an instrumental, if I can feel it in my soul then I can write to it mostly without trouble (unless I hit a writer's block)

With many different varieties of songs, it must be difficult sometimes to solidify an album’s worth of work.  Do you release afro and hip-hop-type songs on your albums, or do you keep them separate?  Are there any new albums coming out soon?

I’ve got projects ready to be released and as my songs vary in styles when on an album or an EP the tracks will be structured so emotions transition as the tracks change throughout the bodywork. I have a couple of videos ready to be released in the next month and another shoot pending. As I begin to release singles I do have an album and EP to release Once I have recorded the remaining of the tracks.


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