Garrett DeVaughn hails from Nashville as your friendly uke-bard.
This lyrical, storyteller blends together the genres of Folk, Progressive, Metal, and Rock, all on his trusty tenor ukulele as he delivers tones along the lines of reassuring disarray; or in the words of one of his listeners, “it’s like you're running through a cornfield from an ax murderer, but somehow, you know it's going to be alright.”
With vast inspiration through the help of his loved ones and hobbies, Garrett DeVaughn continues encouraging his audience to channel their creative side and experience the emotional connection made through music.
Making his way through the industry after the release of his well-received single, “The Climb,” Garrett DeVaughn astounds us with the crisp conveyance of his vocal performance through this profound arrangement that is sprinkled with earnest sentiments. The raw and minimalistic ambiance of the strums in his ukulele exudes traditional folk music meets a progressive essence as Garrett DeVaughn has us gravitating towards his presence, one genuine note at a time.
Illustrating images of resilience and belief, he paints a story of perseverance on a daily as we continue to climb towards our goals and ambitions. As Garrett DeVaughn’s vocals flow in a soothing, reverberated fashion, we are immersed in an unmatched performance that has us transporting our minds to a time of victories.
The tried and true quintessence of the grooves in this record, allow for the composition to play out in a seamless manner. As we are introduced to a diverse passion that Garrett DeVaughn has to offer listeners, we come to the realization that he is set out to provide positive themes and messages in the carefully crafted thought he puts forth. Striving for greatness through his artistic versatility, you can’t help but be pulled towards the essence of “The Climb.”
Hello Garrett, Congratulations on the release of “The Climb,” and Welcome to BuzzMusic. With the raw talents that you showcase, what encouraged you to choose this theme for the creation of “The Climb?"
When I wrote "The Climb", I saw it as a simple song, with a simple idea...Resilience. I didn't want to complicate that message with a bunch of extra parts and pieces. I had %90 of the song written within an hour, which is VERY rare for me, but I think that speaks to the simplicity of the idea. How did you come to find your developed sound in the music industry?
I'm a rock and metal fan at my core, so there's a lot of influence there in how I approach writing. For a good while, I've been playing/writing solo, so I have become deliberate in writing music I could present as a solo act and it still has some power to it. Certainly, a lot of what I write could be great with a band and one day I hope to see that, but right now, I'm just doing my thing. I've always been drawn to music that had intensity and purpose, and that's what I try to create in most of my music. What did the recording session look like when putting together the musical pieces of “The Climb?"
Corey Horn was my producer for the album. He and I had several talks about how to approach the album, and how to approach each song within it. A steady message was that we wanted to really give each song it's own space to be what it needed to be. So, for "The Climb" we kept with the simple approach. Aside from some fine-tuning, and layering, what you are hearing is me and my tenor ukulele. We probably had all the tracks recorded for mixing within an hour. Corey did his very best Gandalf impression, and here we are. Simple, but very effective. With a vast amount of musical influences that range in genres, such as Outkast, Black Sabbath, and Pink Floyd. How do you allow your musical influences to speak into the music that you create?
You know, I don't really think about it a lot in the moment of writing. I try to let my instincts guide the music, and at the same time, I trust that the musical influences I hold dear will find their way in. For sure, there are times that after beginning writing, I'll listen to something and think "I bet I could get that into this song" and work from the outside in...sometimes it comes out great, and sometimes it's a hard "No", but it's always worth trying.
What goals do you have for your music in the new year?
#1 goal - Get my music to the people that need it. I recently heard a great description of a person's purpose in life. We all have special abilities, things that we can do like no other, and it is our obligation to share that ability with the people that need it. There are people that need to hear (and see) what I'm doing, just as much as I needed to write it, and that is the priority for me. Everything else will fall into place. #2 goal - Have a 2nd album out by the beginning of 2022. #3 goal - Enjoy the ride, and keep in mind that pleasure does not exist without pain. To struggle is to be alive.